Category "java"

How can I bring the PAHO/Eclipse MQTT Android Service into an Android Studio Project

I am simply not able to bring the PAHO / Eclipse MQTT Android Service into an Android Studio project. The PAHO documentation advises you to add this line to app

how to replaceOne document in MongoDb with Mongo database command

We have requirement to execute replaceOne operation with db.runCommand() I checked list of commands from here, but i haven't found any command to replace one do

Understanding Wait in Thread Java

I have the following code:- class ThreadB extends Thread { int total; @Override public void run() { synchronized (this){ for(int i=

Is Record feature in Java 16 an alternative to builder classes?

Records provide immutability to an object, so does builder pattern. what are pros and cons of using record in place of builder?

How to convert circular linked list into singly linked list

First, I make circular linked list that look like 1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 4 -> 5 -> 6 -> (head) Now, I am trying to convert this circular linked list

Multiple issues in Log4J Upgrade for old Java Servlet ( Struts ) based application

Current Situation Java Application development version: a Struts based GUI application developed in Java 1.5 JDK used for Compilation: 1.7 Tomcat Server: Applic

Extract WebClient GET response values within a Spring Cloud Gateway filter

My end goal with this is to implement a way to make composite API calls within the body of a gateway route filter. I have a very basic demo application running

Custom Genotype in Jenetics for nesting

I'm using Jenetics to nest a list of polygons using NoFitPolygon I have a function that gived a list of polygon nests them following the order in the list. I ad

Spring Boot "FirebaseApp with name [DEFAULT] doesn't exist."

Launching Spring Boot's jar file throws me these errors: Caused by: org.springframework.beans.factory.UnsatisfiedDependencyException: Error creating bean with n

Spring Cloud Gateway - modify response body in global Post filter

I have spent the last 2 days trying every possible way of modifying the response body of a request before it hits the client, and nothing seems to work for me.

Java servlet illegal characters

Original Question I have a Java web application that allows users to create an account and login. For some reason, after someone has sent enough illegal charact

Display only default message of Spring boot validation - MethodArgumentNotValidException

How can i strip down the excessive information from MethodArgumentNotValidException and keep only the required "default message" ?? I am experimenting with Val

MVVM: ViewModel logic needs info from database, but how to wait for the data?

I am new to MVVM and am trying to figure out how to organize my app. I made a simplified login app to help figure things out. I separated the app into layers: A

How to write a test case for the icon which is not displayed on the page due to permissions

I am trying to write test cases with the different Users with their permissions. I have a situation where there are two users Admin- with full permissions Layd

Android animation to draw alphabet

I am stuck at the animation part which is kinda tough for me, I need to draw this green sign like this. I tried this Github guide achieve my requirement but wit access denied can't be fixed in security/java.policy

I'm using SonarQube and embedding addon there When I run SonarQube it gives an exception access denied ("

JAVA Generating a Signature for Apple Promotional Offers

I'm trying to generate a signature to be returned to the mobile application in order to validate a promotional offer with the App Store. Apple documentation :do

gradle multiple repositories doesn't work

repositories { maven { url "" } gradlePluginPortal() } error: > Could not resolve all files for c

Unable to store ManyToOne association for an entity

I am unable to bind foreign_key baz_id to Baz on a POST call, it fails with a instantiation error trying to store a bar POST http://localhost/foo/api/v1/bars {

how to get android on click listener to work despite nullpointerexception

My project throws a nullpointerexception buy attempting invoke an onclicklistener on a null object. here is my code. protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInsta