Category "jdbc"

select query inside loop - Database connections in JPA

In my Spring MVC application, I have @Transactional annotated method inside which I make call(select query) to DAO layer inside for loop. If my input list size

Form based Authentication in Tomcat

I performed login using form based authentication in tomcat(using j_security_check). I have added jdbc realm code in server.xml and also security constrains in

Why is SQL Server sequence jumping by two when fetched from Java code?

Let's say there is a sequence created on SQL Server: CREATE SEQUENCE dbo.my_seq START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO CYCLE; GO And the following Java cod

Caused by: java.lang.Exception: No native library is found for and os.arch=aarch64. path=/org/sqlite/native/Mac/aarch64

I am using Android Studio [Android Studio Arctic Fox | 2020.3.1 Patch 1] My room library version is [2.3.0] Used Gradle version [7.0.1] Also added kapt 'org.xer

JAVA/MSSQL: The connection is closed

I have got a problem with database queries, when I try to run them from my groovy script. Sometimes, but very often, I've got an error:

Single Large Transaction VS Multiple Small Transaction

I am designing a system where users can select/ insert/update/ delete multiple rows of multiple tables multiple times (n times in a loop based on some logic, th

Why is reading a JDBC ResultSet by position faster than by name and how much faster?

Announcing Hibernate 6 the Hibernate team claims that by switching from read-by-name to read-by-position in JDBC ResultSet they gain a performance benefit. Hig

org.springframework.dao.EmptyResultDataAccessException: Incorrect result size: expected 1, actual 0

i'm this following error when i submit for copying data here is the code.. public String deleteExistingRecordWeekWise(String monthOrWeek) throws ApplicationExc

Unable to create requested service [org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.env.spi.JdbcEnvironment] for XAMPP and Eclipse IDE

I am using XAMPP server and Eclipse IDE for running a hibernate program. But I am getting the following error: **Apr 21, 2017 12:46:38 PM org.hibernate.Vers

SQL Anywhere Error - 210: User 'another user' has the row in 'tablexyz' locked

I have multiple Java process which launches serially one by one. This process does job of loading data into tablexyz and then tablefinal. After first process fi

Returning ResultSet without close?

I would like to have a database connection managing class which I can use for simple SQL commands like SELECT, INSERT etc. by simple calling something like this

Google Apps Script JDBC ResultSet to Array

Is there a better way of retrieving the results from a ResultSet? Calling getString() on each value is very slow. It takes up to 2.5 seconds to put about 400 r

which jdbc (connector/j) to install for mac os

I'm trying to download jdbc connector, but I cannot find mac os from the selection options from the link below: W

Connecting to as400 JDBC on Play Framework

I'm having issues making a connection to an AS400 database inside of Play!. My application.conf looks like: db.default.driver="

How to add a JDBC driver to a Jenkins pipeline?

I want to create a database within a pipeline script to be used by the deployed app. But first I started testing the connection. I got this problem: java.sql.S

Teradata JDBC Error 1338 after certain number of batch executions

I am trying to insert 3.8M records into a Teradata table containing 14 columns, through a batch of 10000 records using RJDBC package of R. It always crashes aft


Good evening, I'm whith a problem on a project whith EJB Timer, I don't know what can I do to fix it. there are a few methods in my project, all of them works

Protocol violation exception in Java application

We have an application developed in java(jdk1.5 and DB is oracle 10g). At some point of time our application is giving below error and terminating. I had search

Oracle DB connections not releasing from connection pool in Tomcat 8

We are migrating Tomcat6, java 6 and Oracle 10g web-applications to Tomcat 8, Java 8 and Oracle 10g. Our applications working fine after migrated, but initial c

Access Hive Data from Java

I need to acces the data in Hive, from Java.According to the documentation for Hive JDBC Driver,the current JDBC driver can only be used to query data from def