I am trying to create a Jenkins pipeline with active choice parameter options populated with GKE Cluster namespaces. I can Run a single shell command and get ou
I have a jenkins Job that create an image and upload to dockerhub. The next step is to deploy a "pod" configuration to k8s. I have the pod.yaml in my giy, but I
I have two jobs that kind of upload the file to the server. Both jobs are the same except they upload to different remote URLs. Currently, I am using two Jenkin
With Jenkins Declarative Pipeline syntax, in the parameters block, the behavior of the parameters is like so: If the defaultValue of the parameter is customized
using declerative pipeline syntax in a Jenkinsfile and publishing coverage report using cobertura as follows cobertura( coberturaReportFile: 'coverage/cobert
I was using some global methods in the /var directory of the shared library, and everything worked fine. Now I need to keep the state of the process, so I'm wri
I want to use some common value across different conditions in post section of pipeline hence I tried following - 1. post { script { def va
To fetch the latest commit from branchName, we run below code: treeMapData = git(branch: branchName, credentialsId: credential, url: "${gitLabServer}/${project
I'm using Jenkins, we want to read a json file to provide necessary details within the jenkins scripts such as IP as an example. Jenkinsfile def getSecrets(json
How do I skip a Jenkins stage partway through its execution? It would be like using when after some steps or in the middle of a step, once the skip condition ha
I want to get child job logs in parent job irrespective of if child job passes or fails. Following code returns child jobs logs in parent job only when child jo