Category "jestjs"

How to mock react custom hook returned value?

Here is my custom hook: export function useClientRect() { const [scrollH, setScrollH] = useState(0); const [clientH, setClientH] = useState(0); c

How to pass in the done() parameter on an async jest test.each case

I'm trying write a jest test case that tests an async method, I want to pass in the done() parameter so jest waits for it to be fired before it ends the test, h

Testing functions with arguments in React with Jest Enzyme

I have a function named toggleFilter() in a react component which looks like this: toggleFilter = (filterType, filterName) => { const filterApplied

"istanbul ignore next" command seems to be ignored

I'm trying to use Jest to test my code. It was working quite fine until I tried to exclude a class method from the tests. The querySelector() call is the reason

aws cdk 2.0 init app fails to build with prettier issues, which is from jest-snapshot

node: v16.7.0cdk: 2.0.0 (build 4b6ce31) package.json: "devDependencies": { "@types/jest": "^26.0.10", "@types/node": "10.17.27", "aws-cdk": "2.0.0

override injection token in unit test

I have a simple service with an Injection token that is used to provide some kind of configuration for the service. It's all working as expected. Although I was

How to use Jest useFakeTimers with RXJS?

My application is primarily using React Redux. We have a few places that use RXJS to simplify things. I just started using jest.useFakeTimers. I realized that g

Run Jasmine tests (coupled to DOM/jquery etc) via command line for CI

We have a set of Jasmine tests that run successfully in the local web server. http-server. We would like to run these tests from the command line during the

How to mock and check that a function from a library in Jest framework?

I have a button with "Download" text on it defined in ReactJS code. Now, I want to write a unit test to check that this function is getting called when this but

Mocking react-router-dom hooks using jest is not working

I'm using Enzyme's shallow method to test a component which uses the useParams hook to get an ID from the URL params. I'm trying to mock the useParams hook so

react-query how to call mutate from custom useMutation hook in Jest test

I'm running a React Native project where I'm testing custom hooks written with react-query. I'm using Jest, @testing-library/react-hooks and @testing-library/re

Testing MutationObserver with Jest

I wrote a script with the main purpose of adding new elements to some table's cells. The test is done with something like that: document.body.innerHTML = ` &l

Console.log statements output nothing at all in Jest

console.log statements output nothing at all in Jest. This was working for me yesterday, and all of sudden, it's not working today. I have made zero changes to

How to use jest to mock out a private variable

I am trying to write a unit test for a function like this: export class newClass { private service: ServiceToMock; constructor () { this.service =

test case not working for callback setState function

I am calling two APIs using two different function. First, I am fetching order details using getOrder method. Once I get the order, I am calling another method

How to automatic load .feature files

Here is an example of the (react) architecture. src/ components/ Input/ Tests/ Input.feature Input.test.js We test with react testing library and

How do I configure absolute paths for imports in TypeScript based React Native apps?

In order to avoid '../../../../' style relative imports in a TypeScript based React Native app, I would like to configure the app so that I can use absolute imp

Jest finds tests but doesn't collect coverage

I trying to collect test coverage for this project using yarn test --coverage # i.e. "react-scripts test --coverage" My jest config is this: "jest": {

Mock OpenSearch Client in jest unit test

I'm trying to mock out the opensearch client for testing purposes and am running into an error. My app is using OpenSearch (@opensearch-project/opensearch) and

How to mock a single value in a React Context provider while keeping the rest of values

Hi I have a context provider which returns like this: return ( <RepeatsSidebarContext.Provider value={{ loading,