Category "jetbrains-ide"

How to tell PhpStorm that function argument is file path

In PhpStorm (and other JetBrains IDE), is it possible to make function attributes as file / resource path? E.g. in this function: function mix($file): string {

JetBrains Space automation script

I try to solve the following issue: job("Docker | deploy") { docker { build { context = "docker" file = "./docker/Dockerfile

How to forward ports from GitPod-container to local machine when using JetBrains Gateway?

I use GitPod and JetBrains Gateway to develop my application. I run an application in a docker container inside GitPod-container. The container with application

CUDA_ARCHITECTURES is empty for target "cmTC_28d80"

I made a new CUDA executable project in CLion and when it opened I got CMake error: CUDA_ARCHITECTURES is empty for target "cmTC_908f4". CMakeLists.txt: cmake_

How to use WSL as default terminal in WebStorm or any other JetBrains' products?

I am currently using Windows 10 with WSL Ubuntu 18.04 installed. I am trying to use WSL as the default terminal in WebStorm however, I am able to use the bash f

JetBrains Rider to stop opening diff tab on navigation

I am a huge fan of JetBrains Rider it is really adaptable to the tastes of most devs. I could not find settings to remove an annoyance from a specific navigatio

After install CSV Plugin in Android Studio 4.0 Not able to Open Project Setting and build.gradle

This is the first time I've encountered this issue with Studio 4.0. Project and app-level files not able to open, below some other file which not able to open:

Android Studio missing essential plugin

I have just updated to Android Studio 4.1 Canary 9, but I am getting the following error: Missing essential plugin: Please reinstall A

How do I properly pass command line arguments to a C program in CLion?

I need someone to outline how to pass command line arguments to CLion. What I've found so far hasn't worked for me. Specifically I need to know how to pass mult

Is there a way to view all changes in my branch within a JetBrains IDE?

I have a mercurial branch with three commits and I would like to view the aggregate changes of these three commits within Rider. I have TortiseHg and BeyondComp

Where is output window in Rider?

I went through the entire app and two Google pages and didn't found it. How can I enable the output window?

PyCharm remote deployment: user name not being saved

Working with Professional edition of PyCharm, I'm trying to configure a server for remote deployment of my project over SFTP with OpenSSH + authentication agent