Category "jetstream"

JetStream: How to make Push Subscription with Durable consumer? (i get "No interest")

I try to make Durable and Delivery consumer, but i get "No Interest" as result. It is "Active" When i create PushSubscribeOptions like this: PushSubscribeOption

How can I make condition for class of x-jet-dialog-modal?

With laravel 8.68 and livewire 2.7 opening modal dialog (which can be used in many cases) I want to change background color/color depending on parameter. I try

run function in every login in laravel fortify

I am using Laravel 8 with Fortify. I saved user's emails and passwords into the database and I'm not going to use registration. Every time users log in, I need

How to redirect to a blade dashboard page from Vue login Component page after successfully login in laravel JetStream?

I created a laravel 8 project using jetstream authentication. As stack I have used inertia+vue. After successful login, I need to redirect to a blade file. But

The Mix manifest does not exist - Laravel Fortify Jetstream Login/Registration Issue when deploying laravel in Hostgator shared hosting

I have been able to deploy Laravel projects successfuly in the past. For the first time I am using Laravel 8 with Jetstream and Livewire. Laravel is now using F

Why the jetstream modal is always setting on true and the close button is not working

I am struggling with Jetstream modal dialog here is my code: in my component I have the following: public $ModalFormVisible=false; public function ShowReportM

Laravel 8 - inertia-jetstream-fortify, redirect to a particular URL before login (i.e. On hit of main URL

I have a Single sign-in laravel application which is, say for example app-A. And my main application app-B. Now, whenever a user visits, I want th

Laravel Jetsream Profile page not loading on fresh install

I have performed a fresh install of Laravel Jetstream. Upon completing all the steps outlined in the Jetstream (Inertia) set up process, the project starts up f

Performance of Nats Jetstream

I'm trying to understand how Nats Jetstream scales and have a couple of questions. How efficient is subscribing by subject to historic messages? For example le

Use same method for inertia response and json response Laravel Jetstream

I have been using Laravel powered API and VueJS powered frontend, two separate projects for single page application. Now I want to switch to Laravel Jetstream w

How to backup all streams in JetStream server?

Problem: I have to backup all the streams of my JetStream server. I don't know what streams are there. I want to backup all the streams into a single snapshot.

Why are some Tailwind classes not having effect in JetStream?

Some classes like text-green-500, rounded are having effect and the styling is updated. Ohter classes, like bg-black, don't have any effect on the styling. I am

Laravel jetstream teams, When switching users how to change home page from dashboard to a different page?

I am using Laravel jetstream teams and I would like to changed the default page (dashboard) when switching teams to a different page I have made (myteams), How

Can NATS JetStream partially replicate streams on different NATS Servers

I have Server A with NATS Jet Stream.I want some part of NATS Streams replicated on Server B and Server C (NATS Streams) mutually exclusive.

Laravel Jetstream livewire - Profile photo is not being uploaded on s3

I have checked everything in AWS S3, permissions, policy bucket name, all looks okay. I have updated the config in the jetstream config file config\