Category "jmeter"

JMeter timeshift issue

I've been working with timeshift, but it seems that timeshift does not do what I expect it should do. When I input a DateTime into TimeShift to work with it alw

Full details for jp@gc - WebDriver Sampler- Can I Used script language JAVA?

I want to write some selenium script using jp@gc - WebDriver Sampler . Here I used Script Language JAVA. Can Here I used main function ? or is it supported onl

Getting this error message while running Load Test in Azure "Keystore file not found, loading empty keystore"

I have uploaded .jmx script and CVS files in the test plan. And added an "Authorize Token" as parameter in the Environment Variables (as I don't want to give se

Getting this error message while running Load Test in Azure "Keystore file not found, loading empty keystore"

I have uploaded .jmx script and CVS files in the test plan. And added an "Authorize Token" as parameter in the Environment Variables (as I don't want to give se

I can't send post by jmeter ,when i connect a ssl vpn client

I can't send post by jmeter ,when i connect a ssl vpn client,but postman is ok,i do't know why enter image description here

How to set limit for particular no. of sample in jmeter

example ,i want JMeter to run for 100 samples only on 100 thread.

JMeter with blazemeter recorder Request failed

I'm using Jmeter for the first time and I'm trying to run Jmeter script recorder by BlazeMeter recorder for chrome but I'm getting this error

How to use user defined variable in Jmeter as server name or Ip while writing scripts using Transaction controller and Test script controller

When I am using the Jmeter while recording the script, I want to use a user-defined variable which is the website address. When an HTTP request is created by th

How to parameterise the boolProp tag in jmeter jmx file for providing the input in jenkins

Context: Using JMeter 5.4.3 Using JenkinsFile for setup Jmeter Thread group in .jmx has the below snippet: <ThreadGroup guiclass="ThreadGroupGui" tes

How to extract data using JMeter and AMQP Consumer?

i am using plugin JMeter-Rabbit-AMQP. I don't understand how to extract data from consumer. I publish, and a response is returned to another queue that my consu

jmeter guidelines for Git version control

In our organization we have being using jmeter since 4 years. In this time we created, manage and execute our jmx scripts through a network drive to share and w

How can I determine the reason for Error rate percentage in Jmeter

After executing a load via JMeter I tend to get a Error rate percentage . My question is that how do I determine what are these error like and which area Is it

JMeter - The JVM should have exited but did not

I have a script which does the following: Script executes fine in GUI mode: jmeter -q C:/Users/503289283/Downloads/ -t Service_Names.jmx

JMETER Performance Testing - Dynamic Payload

While doing performance testing via JMETER, I encountered one usecase where the POST request call is taking the dynamic data from the website. So in that case w

How to capture Multiple response for a same request in Jmeter

I am initiating the request from Jmeter using HTTP Request Sampler. In the body data i am sending the request and the application server sends back two differen

Sample result's label is not changed through BeanShell post processor for some conditions

I made this code so that if status == 500 the name of the api would be equal to "FAKE_CLIENT_RETRY", if the status of the api == "ERROR", the name would be equa

So i am getting the ERROr related to SQL in jmeter

{"statusCode":500,"statusDescription":"Internal server error","status":"FAILED","userId":null,"role":null,"value":null,"errorMessage":"PreparedStatementCallback

How to append Http Response to a Jmeter variable

I need to append response from set of http requests and assert response. Example Request1-> Response is "Anil" Request2-> Response is "Sunil" Request3->

Error while generating report in apache-jmeter-5.4.1.tgz

sh -n -t filePath.jmx -l outFilePath.jtl -e -o folderPath Error generating the report: Error w

JMeter Recorder is not working with HTTPS

Please before you say this has been asked on stack overflow, I have looked at each one of the answers and none of them are working as a solution. No matter wh