Category "jmeter"

JMeter Recorder is not working with HTTPS

Please before you say this has been asked on stack overflow, I have looked at each one of the answers and none of them are working as a solution. No matter wh

JMeter Test case to login over dynamic CRM

We have to migrate the existing visual studio web test over JMeter. Blazemeter we are using to record test case and when we are trying to run it over JMeter, it

Can I Set The Number Of Threads From An External FIle in Apache Jmeter?

I have many JMeter scripts that are testing different scenarios and I want to create a configuration file for some common values across my scripts, so I will no

How to load test soap api using jmeter

How to load test soap api using jmeter 4.0 , multbinding The follow: example for soap request ::

Error in NonGUIDriver java.lang.IllegalArgumentException

I am trying to run a jmeter script using 'mvn verify' and getting below error. I am new to Jmeter and tried out solutions from previous post but in vain. How to

Jmeter fails to open .jmx file created by Badboy

When i tried to open a jmx file in Jmeter created by Badboy, Jmeter throws this error: Here is the log file : 2019-12-14 12:21:36,712 INFO o.a.j.s.SaveServi

Jmeter not executing script from command line (CLI mode) but works fine with GUI mode

I wrote a script in Jmeter that is fine being executed from GUI mode but will fail when being executed from CLI mode (non-GUI) This is the result from CLI mode:

403 forbidden error in jmeter but api works fine in postman

I have an API that is running in GET method. It works fine in postman with 200 status code. But when I try to run the API in jmeter it throws 403 forbidden erro

JMeter performance plugin having XXE vulnerability. Any other alternatives?

JMeter performance plugin is listed with vulnerability: So currently its not safe to use this plugin(https://www.jenkins

User Defined Value (Date) is changing within Jmeter test plan

I have user defined variable for date: Date1 | 31-Jul-2018. Now I am using this variable within my test plan, and on each iteration, I will be decrementing the

Jmeter/Selenium scroll down in a specific area and not the entire page

I am having trouble trying to figure out how to scroll down a one section only from the entire webpage. I have tried window.scrollBy(x,y) which works but for th

Jmeter/Selenium scroll down in a specific area and not the entire page

I am having trouble trying to figure out how to scroll down a one section only from the entire webpage. I have tried window.scrollBy(x,y) which works but for th

Java.Jmeter. SSL unexpected server Message "server_hello"

I try to use Jmeter with plugin "DI-fakfa meter" to load my kafka using SSL. I got the following certificates from VAULT system: -CA -Issuing CA -Private key In

JMeter frequency peaks when using ultimate thread group

I use Ultimate Thread Group for performance testing in JMeter. In combination with a timer I want to scale the number of users/threads dynamically while each us

JMeter frequency peaks when using ultimate thread group

I use Ultimate Thread Group for performance testing in JMeter. In combination with a timer I want to scale the number of users/threads dynamically while each us

Jmeter - How to set Jmeter to pick up specific Java version (windows)

My windows system has two Java versions: 15 & 17 I want to make Jmeter pick up version 15. I set path as: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-15.0.2\bin And JAVA_HOME

Latency shown in JMETER is much less when I use faster internet connection & run my Test. Is it due to faster internet or some other factors too?

I created a test in JMETER Add > Sampler > HTTP Request = Get Server Name = No. of threads(users) = 1 Ramp-up period (seconds) = 1, Loo

Getting SSL and other errors while recording iOS native app with Jmeter

Jmeter logs : 2018-11-28 18:35:49,906 INFO o.a.j.p.h.p.ProxyControl: Valid alias found for :root_ca: 2018-11-28 18:35:49,907 INFO o.a.j.p.h.p.ProxyControl: Va

Throughput calculation in Jmeter

Attached is the Summary Report for my tests. Please help me understand how is the throughput value calculated by JMeter: example the throughput of the very fi

WebDriver Sample with Java error - Encountered "WDS"

I am using java as scripting language in JMeter 3.0 and jmeter-plugins-webdriver-1.4.0.jar. When I run my script which is supposed to open a browser and go to g