Category "joblib"

python parallel processing running all tasks on one core - multiprocessing, ray

I have a model.predict()-method and 65536 rows of data which takes about 7 seconds to perform. I wanted to speed this up using the joblib.parallel_backend tooli

KeyError: 'initialized_diffuse'

I'm getting a keyerror 'initialized_diffuse' while calling the following API, probably after joblib.load(). import joblib .......... @routes.route("/forecast",

joblib: Worker stopped caused by timeout or memory leak

I am only using the basic joblib functionality: Parallel(n_jobs=-1)(delayed(function)(arg) for arg in arglist) I am frequently getting the warning: UserWarn

ImportError: cannot import name 'joblib' from 'sklearn.externals'

I am trying to load my saved model from s3 using joblib import pandas as pd import numpy as np import json import subprocess import sqlalchemy from sklearn.ex

Joblib UserWarning while trying to cache results

I get the following UserWarning when trying to cache results using joblib: from tempfile import mkdtemp cachedir = mkdtemp() from joblib import Memory memory =

How to properly pickle sklearn pipeline when using custom transformer

I am trying to pickle a sklearn machine-learning model, and load it in another project. The model is wrapped in pipeline that does feature encoding, scaling etc

joblib.Memory and pandas.DataFrame inputs

I've been finding that joblib.Memory.cache results in unreliable caching when using dataframes as inputs to the decorated functions. Playing around, I found tha

joblib.Memory and pandas.DataFrame inputs

I've been finding that joblib.Memory.cache results in unreliable caching when using dataframes as inputs to the decorated functions. Playing around, I found tha

Parallelize Python Dictionary Comprehension

I'm trying to parallelize the subsetting of a Python dictionary. The code below creates a new dictionary, positions_sub, based on if the keys in positions dicti

spacy with joblib library generates _pickle.PicklingError: Could not pickle the task to send it to the workers

I have a large list of sentences (~7 millions), and I want to extract the nouns from them. I used joblib library to parallelize the extracting process, like in