I have a complex Json where i wanted to flatten the Json using Jolt or any other ways to flatten in Nifi is also fine can anyone please help to flatten the belo
I have the following Jolt Spec [ { "operation": "shift", "spec": { "*": { "value": "[]" } } }, { "operation": "shift
I'm using jolt in order to do some transformations, I've been able to do that but I'm having some issues trying to replace some text in some properties of my JS
I'd like to split simple flat object into array, so each key/value appear as array element. Example: Input { "FIRST_NAME": "John", "LAST_NAME": "Doe" }
i have the following input json: { "tags": { "event": "observation", "source": "hunter" } } The output JSON should look like below: { "tags" : [
I am using NiFi Jolt Processor to transform some JSON data. I need to create array of objects. I can get all objects from assets, but I want to add each date in
I'm trying to add some extra fields to the list which are not there in the input json. I can add fields if it's an object, but I'm not able to add the fields to
I am getting a null value for my transformed object when trying to convert something like this: { "employees": [ { "f_name" : "tom", "l_name" : "smith"