I'm using Spring Boot with JPA and a Db2 database on an AS400 server. When I inspect the result of a SELECT statement using the debugger tool, the value stored
I would like to know, if this way is recommended to implement the reader spring batch with jpa or is it better to look for another solution and if this way is n
I have an TimelineEntity entity, that uses HoTimelineType enum with custom integer value. That custom integer value is stored in the database. Implemented via U
So I have found a few answers where one says it is possible to do so and the other says it is not. This kind of confused me because when I tried to do so - I fa
I have the database tables Person and Details. Details are intended to carry the miscellaneous fields for the Person using the foreign key PERSON_ID. JPA code h
I have a running RapidClipse X Project, in which I work with a MySQL Database. I created a class to copy data from one table into a second table. For this I use
So I am trying to replace the following native SQL with JPA Criteria Api: select CAT.* from CAT join OWNER.ID = CAT.OWNER_ID where OWNER.NAME = :ownerName or s
I`m DONT use EJB/Spring etc. Only Jpa + Servlet. I`m trying to create public abstract class AbstractEntityManagerFactory { private static final EntityManagerFac
error : 2022-05-06 11:26:09.621 ERROR 38049 --- [ restartedMain] o.s.boot.SpringApplication : Application run failed org.springframework.beans.fa
I am doing Dynamic Web Project using JPA in Java 17. I have a class called UserEntity. In the first page I have a register button, which has the following funct
I'm trying to understand annotations better with JPA / Hibernate and SQL Server. I created a simple project: an abstract class named "Articles". Two classes inh
I want to fetch records from the database as : select * from table where column1 IN (aa, bb , cc...) and column2 IN (34, 55, 66...) and column3 IN(df, fg, hh...
I am using Java JPA-Eclipselink persistence (v2.6.9) in combination with Apache Tomcat Web Server. I am fetching from database large amount of data from nested
I am using Spring Boot and Spring Batch and JPA to load data from One database into another. In a single batch Job I've created 10 steps to run steps in sequenc
I am unable to bind foreign_key baz_id to Baz on a POST call, it fails with a instantiation error trying to store a bar POST http://localhost/foo/api/v1/bars {
What if I have my native query (with PostgreSQL) in a more "complex" way, which I need to GROUP the data in order to apply an ORDER BY clause? Well, doing so wi
Trying to figure out how to store a list of enums in a single table column. I started with a String and it worked. I'll show only the relevant parts of the code
Enabling @Version on table Customer when running the tests below @Test public void actionsTest1 () throws InterruptedException { CustomerState t = customerS
I am doing a rest service with java spring boot. The tables are created correctly in the database and locally test everything works correctly, but when I mount
I encountered a very interesting issue. I want to create an UPDATE statement NamedQuery for my class (I know this is a bit hacky). The weird thing is if I use p