Category "jpa"

Saving entity with Spring JPA Repository resets enum ttype value

I have an TimelineEntity entity, that uses HoTimelineType enum with custom integer value. That custom integer value is stored in the database. Implemented via U

Can subgraph reference another named entity graph?

So I have found a few answers where one says it is possible to do so and the other says it is not. This kind of confused me because when I tried to do so - I fa

Hibernate Jpa: update on @Embeddable table generates a query using the wrong table which @Embedded

I have the database tables Person and Details. Details are intended to carry the miscellaneous fields for the Person using the foreign key PERSON_ID. JPA code h

Fixing of Java.lang.IllegalStateException: No active conversation found. at com.rapidclipse.framework.server.jpa.Jpa.getEntityManager(

I have a running RapidClipse X Project, in which I work with a MySQL Database. I created a class to copy data from one table into a second table. For this I use

Criteria API join with filter

So I am trying to replace the following native SQL with JPA Criteria Api: select CAT.* from CAT join OWNER.ID = CAT.OWNER_ID where OWNER.NAME = :ownerName or s

EntityManagerFactory is initialing

I`m DONT use EJB/Spring etc. Only Jpa + Servlet. I`m trying to create public abstract class AbstractEntityManagerFactory { private static final EntityManagerFac

i am getting "Could not create query for public abstract void "jpa error when i am adding dbname to table

error : 2022-05-06 11:26:09.621 ERROR 38049 --- [ restartedMain] o.s.boot.SpringApplication : Application run failed org.springframework.beans.fa

java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "java.lang.reflect.AccessibleObject.setAccessible(boolean)" because "ao" is null

I am doing Dynamic Web Project using JPA in Java 17. I have a class called UserEntity. In the first page I have a register button, which has the following funct

How to properly use JPA/Hibernate?

I'm trying to understand annotations better with JPA / Hibernate and SQL Server. I created a simple project: an abstract class named "Articles". Two classes inh

How to write a query using multiple 'IN' or any other keywords in SQL so that the condition being applied will be based upon the order defined

I want to fetch records from the database as : select * from table where column1 IN (aa, bb , cc...) and column2 IN (34, 55, 66...) and column3 IN(df, fg, hh...

JPA-Eclipselink caching nested tables (entities)

I am using Java JPA-Eclipselink persistence (v2.6.9) in combination with Apache Tomcat Web Server. I am fetching from database large amount of data from nested

Spring Batch JPA Bulk Insert eats performance when using GenerationType.IDENTITY

I am using Spring Boot and Spring Batch and JPA to load data from One database into another. In a single batch Job I've created 10 steps to run steps in sequenc

Unable to store ManyToOne association for an entity

I am unable to bind foreign_key baz_id to Baz on a POST call, it fails with a instantiation error trying to store a bar POST http://localhost/foo/api/v1/bars {

Spring native query with GROUP BY and ORDER BY also pagination

What if I have my native query (with PostgreSQL) in a more "complex" way, which I need to GROUP the data in order to apply an ORDER BY clause? Well, doing so wi

Convert a list of enums and store as 'varchar[]'

Trying to figure out how to store a list of enums in a single table column. I started with a String and it worked. I'll show only the relevant parts of the code

JPA @Version behavior when data is changed from unmanaged connection

Enabling @Version on table Customer when running the tests below @Test public void actionsTest1 () throws InterruptedException { CustomerState t = customerS

could not extract ResultSet; SQL [n/a]; nested exception is org.hibernate.exception.SQLGrammarException: could not extract ResultSet with oauth

I am doing a rest service with java spring boot. The tables are created correctly in the database and locally test everything works correctly, but when I mount

Hibernate NamedQuery UPDATE statement throws QuerySyntaxException

I encountered a very interesting issue. I want to create an UPDATE statement NamedQuery for my class (I know this is a bit hacky). The weird thing is if I use p

How can you merge the same type entities consecutively using JPA PresistanceContext

I am currently creating a small project to mimic simple bank transactions. Currently there are two types of transactions. Request transaction Transaction is can

Read Array at index in jpa Query

I have a native Query that return a list of objects, i need to pass an array as parameter to the function getAllUsers. @Repository public interface UserReposito