I am stuck with some problem about using JPQL with spring data Here is my code snippets @Entity @Table //... public class Parent { @Id private Stri
I have made a sql query now i need to add search from it. it needs to search from userfullname the given keyword query is working in postgresql but it is not wo
I have two table named recipe and tags, joined with many to many relationship This is recipe table: @Data @NoArgsConstructor @Entity() @Table(name = "recipes",
I have the following method that returns a HashMap based on a Users Department and Building. I want to ORDER BY ASC based on the user name private HashMap<L
I have to query on timestamp field for current date and get only 1 record. I can write the query like: @Query("Select i From Log i Where i.createdBy = :userId
IntelliJ IDEA highlights persistent @Entity class names with "Cannot resolve symbol" in red in JPQL which is distracting and buries real issues. So, for examp