Category "json-normalize"

How to json_normalize nested json arrays

I have the complex json structure as below. I am able to json_normalize only first level of array (MatchingReleases.MatchingRelease). whereas I have one more

Why does pandas.json_normalize(json_results) raise a NotImplementedError?

I have a json variable named json_results and I am running pandas.json_normalize(json_results). It raises the following error: in _json_normalize raise NotI

Flatten a nested JSON? [duplicate]

I am trying to flatten the following JSON and flatten it hierarchically: I am using pandas json_normalize function

How to convert a nested dict, to a pandas dataframe

I'm trying to convert a dataframe that has inside other dataframe like: { 'id': 3241234, 'data': { 'name':'carol', 'lastname': 'netfli