Category "json"

Create json from shell script output

I have a shell script in which i have code like. #!/bin/sh data = `lsb_release -a` echo $data it returned me the output like: Distributor ID: Ubuntu

JOLT split flat object into key/value array

I'd like to split simple flat object into array, so each key/value appear as array element. Example: Input { "FIRST_NAME": "John", "LAST_NAME": "Doe" }

How can I deserialize a type where all the fields are default values as a None instead?

I have to deserialize JSON blobs where in some places the absence of an entire object is encoded as an object with the same structure but all of its fields set

how do I use for loop inside script tag in ejs

I try to draw chart, using chart.js. To get my data, I try to use ejs tags for example, in ejs I input html like this, and it works well. <p>date

Javascript exiting normal execution order

So I will attach my simplified code. So when the page load the debugger follow the expected row order: 27->9->10 When I click on topNewsButton, the execut

Java JsonPath: modify multiple JSON attributes at once

I am struggling to modify several JSON objects, while using the JsonPath library. I have a selector, that gets declared at runtime and a JSON file of unknown si

Unable to Deserialize HttpResponseMessage to Model Object

Code for Getting the Response: public async Task<List<RepositoryListResponseItem>> MakeGitRequestAsync<T>(string url) { List<Repositor

creating an empty json object from dart object in flutter

I have a class class User{ String name; Address address; } and class Address{ String houseId; String location; } how can I make an empty address json ob

Python: How to read multiple .NBT files and export to JSON?

I am a newbie when it comes to programming and i'm looking for a way to iterate through a directory filled with .NBT files and export them to JSON. I know i can

Parse JSON Data Array with Swift 4

I am using the following code. It only works if the JSON data does not start with a '[' character. It works fine for JSON data starting with a '{' character.

BotFramework-WebChat - Adaptive Card

Is there a way to add Onchange event to the adaptive card input field that is rendered in webchat (version V4). Example changing a quantity value (Adaptive card

Build a plot from JSON with plotly.js

I have built a plot using and convert it to JSON file:, 'name.json') After creating the JSON file I need to build the same

How to send List of objects in a multipart request in flutter?

I want to send a List of ManageTagModel in a multipart request along with other models and files.. I am not certain of how to send this List of model.. This i

Angular 13 use proxy.conf.json in production

I use angular in version 13 with proxy.conf.json in development. I am try to use this proxy in production and generate a dist file with ng build but it's not wo

Adaptive Card: What is the best way to display an arbitrary JSON object?

I'd like to generate an adaptive card that contains an arbitrary JSON object inside. I anticipate that the JSON object will be shallow. Maybe it will contain ju

Parse JSON String into a Particular Object Prototype in JavaScript

I know how to parse a JSON String and turn it into a JavaScript Object. You can use JSON.parse() in modern browsers (and IE9+). That's great, but how can I t

VSCode - Rubocop - Settings.json - End of file expected

I am using VisualStudioCode with Ruby and Rubocop. After installation of Rubocop i found out i must change some of the settings in settings.json for Rubocop. Ho

Convert JSON format column to new columns

I have a sub-Yelp Dataset in csv, and attributes column is in json format. I'm trying to convert that column to new columns, but none of the relevant code on di

Python command-line one-liner using xmltodict to convert XML to JSON

I am trying to write a Python one-liner using xmltodict to convert an XML file to JSON. It seems like there's an issue reading from sys.stdin directly or as sys

How to use mock_open with json.load()?

I'm trying to get a unit test working that validates a function that reads credentials from a JSON-encoded file. Since the credentials themselves aren't fixed,