Category "jsonpath"

JSONPath filter property by value in object

How can I use the JSONPath filtering capabilities to query for a specific condition on a property on a subobject (without an array)? Consider this JSON example:

Postgresql argument placeholder in jsonpath expression

I try to pass argument $1 to jsonpath-expression: SELECT 1 FROM %s.orders AS O WHERE order_info @? '$.items[*] ? (@.ProductID == $1)' but it doesn't work. P

How to use JSONPath to filter JSON body with nested arrays

This is the JSON Path I have been using: $..products[?(@.category == 'merchant_cards' && @.countries[0].abbr == 'US' && @.skus[0].min < '25')

JmesPath join or concatenate nested array elements

I realize there are several other JmesPath join questions here, but I'm having trouble with a separate problem that I haven't found any examples for, where I ne

Java JsonPath: modify multiple JSON attributes at once

I am struggling to modify several JSON objects, while using the JsonPath library. I have a selector, that gets declared at runtime and a JSON file of unknown si

Accessing json value using jsonpath?

I'm following the tutorial for using jsonpath ( and using the endpoint

JsonPath: get root element depending on first level sub-element

I need all elements (including "id" and all attributes) of the json sample below where "type" has the value "state_machine_state", but only if "type" is on the

How to obtain json schema from jsonpaths of all the required fields using java

Say the input is: [{keyname: firstname,,type:string}, {keyname:age, path:person.age,type:number}] Then jsonschema should be generate

JSONPath to transform and map to different tiers of data with a single output

I am using JSONPath and this node module to transform a JSON obj into a different output. This is simila

How to modify values of JsonObject

I want to add a new field to jsonObject and this new field's name will be based on a value of another field. To be clear, this an examples of what I want to ach

How to modify values of JsonObject

I want to add a new field to jsonObject and this new field's name will be based on a value of another field. To be clear, this an examples of what I want to ach

How to count JSON Objects in array filtered by attribute of the object by JSONPath

I'm writing a JSONPath expression that counts objects in an array while filtering by one of the field of the object. Input JSON taken from http://jsonpath.hero