Category "jsx"

React-Phone-Input-2 customize border of input on focus

I would like to change the color of the border of the input on focus, but not sure how to achieve it. I can change the styles the component but not when focusin

React JSX Invalid ARIA attribute `ariaLabel`

react jsx: <button ariaLabel='label'>click</button> rendered html: <button arialabel="label">click</button> console warning: index.js:

How to load script in react component

I am having following script file <script language="javascript"> document.write('<script language="javascript" src="

How to render jsx calling non component function in React?

I adding return before jsx but it stops iteration function App(){ function recursion(object){ for(let key in object){ if(typeof object[key] === 'ob

Cannot resolve symbol 'Routes'

I am importing Routes the following way import {Routes, Route, BrowserRouter} from 'react-router-dom' My package JSON is "react-router-dom": "^6.0.2", I am us

React Boostrap Select, First Select Option ins not triggered by onChange event

I'm using React Boostrap Select component : <Form.Group className="mb-1"> <Form.Label htmlFor="type" className="iig-form-label d-inli

React Suspense Concurrent Mode Not Working

I am trying to use react suspense but I am facing some issue regarding rendering after making changes in react index.js file and I already installed react suspe

Run a .jsx file using Windows Batch

I'm trying to run a Adobe Script in Premiere using Windows Batch. Is this possible at all?

Warning: Failed prop type: The prop `justify` of `ForwardRef(Grid)` is deprecated. Use `justifyContent` instead, the prop was renamed

Can someone help me in solving this error. I am unable to rectify this error. this is what i got in the browser's console const Cart = ({ cart }) => { co

Bracket auto close in JSX/HTML component

When I input the { in the middle of any JSX/HTML component, the VSCode is not closing it - have you got any ideas how to configure settings or is there any exte

React: How to autoplay video on all devices but prevent it from launching full-screen on iPhone

I have a React website that autoplays videos on desktop. However, autoplay causes it to not only autoplay, but launch full-screen autoplay on iPhone (I tried Sa

Module not found: Error: Can't resolve '@mui/icons-material/SearchOutlined'

I have installed both the packages already the icon and the core but still m getting this error, why?? import React from 'react' import './Nav.css'; import

Best practice for React. Hover or mouseEnter/mouseLeave?

I'm learning React with styled components and I have a button with a simple hover-effect. This hover-effect can be created in the styled components file with &a

After Effects Scripting - Set ease() for slider

I have an Audio Amplitude layer in After Effects and I want to programmatically add the following expression to the "Both Channels" slider: ease(value, 40, 55,

How to allow only positive font-scaling in react native Text Component

Android and iOS have OS-Accessibility-Settings for adapted font-sizes. I know, that generally we do not want to block this, however: when a text is fairly large

Can't include code execution at jsx top level?

For the following code, it will gives exception when include the line {console.log('hello');} import "./styles.css"; export default function App() { const ag

filter search bar not showing up

I'm trying to create a filtering search bar to sort through a limited set of data pulled from an API. The code compiled successfully, however despite having an

React console.log showing duplicate results in Dev Tools

Why does React show duplicate console.log? I found that to remove StrictMode from index.js. but there was no such problem before and why did I remove StrictMode

TypeScript and React - children type?

I have a very simple functional component as follows: import * as React from 'react'; export interface AuxProps { children: React.ReactNode } const a

Mysterious flickering black line, almost like a border in NextJS

I have created a full-width video header that I've used successfully over several pages. For the life of me, I can't figure out why it has chosen JUST NOW to gi