Category "jupyter"

How can I substring to specific character in pandas?

For example, I have 2 columns(1,2), and in table 2 I want to fetch everything until " character. I wanted to do something like this: df.columns = ['1','2'] a =

Package sparse_dot_topn in Pyspark AWS EMR Jupyter install error

Running on AWS and EMR, Jupyter, Pyspark notebook and trying to install a python package "sparse_dot_topn" version 0.2.9 I'm getting an error I don't understand

syntax error near unexpected token in jupyter terminal

I write a r script below and want to run it in jupyter terminal. But it shows error: ./Rda_to_csv.r: line 1: syntax error near unexpected token `(' ./Rda_to_csv

Jupyter seems to connect fine, but cannot access in a browser

I'm trying to open Jupyter notebook in a browser. Jupyter seems to have connected just fine: [I 20:38:02.663 NotebookApp] Serving notebooks from local directory

How to add a vertical scrollbar in html output from jupyter notebook with nbconvert?

I am automatizing some reports with jupyter and exporting it to html. I have some large tables, and I want to add a scrollbar to rigthside of table. A similar q

Jupyter Lab not opening on Ubuntu

Im using Ubuntu as my OS. I have been able to download and open anaconda-navigator through command line. but I can't open up Jupyter lab or jupyter notebook. it

Transfermarkt webscrapping failed

I have created the code below to scrape data from Transfermarkt but it gives error ERROR IndexError Traceback (most recent call l

Transfermarkt webscrapping failed

I have created the code below to scrape data from Transfermarkt but it gives error ERROR IndexError Traceback (most recent call l

Randomness between Jupyter Kernel Restarts

Problem: I am currently working on clustering of data and found a weird behavior in my Jupyter Notebooks. All seeds are fixed. Executing some or all code multip

Resize IPython.display.Audio bar

Is there a way to resize the audio display bar in jupyter notebooks? For example, if I wanted the bar to be twice the width of its default. This would help scru

What does the % in load_ext mean in python

There is a lot of discussion of %load_ext magic in Python (e.g. here One thing that has a

New conda environments no longer being recognised in Jupyter Notebook

Whenever I have previously run Jupyter notebooks from within an activated conda environment, the environment is available within Jupyter. However, now when I do

Using jupyter R kernel with visual studio code

For python jupyter notebooks I am currently using VSCode python extension. However I cannot find any way to use alternative kernels. I am interested in jupyter

Import of transformers package throwing value_error

I have successfully installed transformers package in my Jupyter Notebook from Anaconda administrator console using the command 'conda install -c conda-forge tr

Can VSCode interact with the kernel of current Jupyter notebook?

In VSCode, a script with: #%% a = 3 creates a Jupyter cell. Running the cell starts Jupyter server and evaluates the code in Python Interactive window. I wo

Liquid::SyntaxError with Plotly in Markdown files using Jekyll

Trying to convert an .ipynb notebook to Markdown that contains Plotly charts for use in a Jekyll site (hosted on GitHub Pages). I'm running into this error: Liq

How can I draw a line in a python plot indicating 1 standard deviation?

I have a plot from a data frame, I want to to draw a line indicating one standard deviation from the mean like in the picture below. I know how to add text in

How to login to bash with current user, and the user's .bashrc file, in jupyterlab?

I have a configuration file setup in .bashrc which I would like to apply to all terminals opened automatically in my jupyterlab. Currently jupyterlab terminal

Visual Studio Code does not detect Virtual Environments

Visual Studio Code does not detect virtual environments. I run vscode in the folder where the venv folder is located, when I try to select the kernel in vscode

Bash script to send commands to remote ssh session

Is it possible to write a bash script that opens a remote node (i.e. through ssh and/or slurm) and starts an interactive session there after running some comman