Category "keras"

Keras does not load because cannot find TensorFlow

Running Anaconda and installed: Keras = 2.4.3 TensorFlow = 2.4.0 However, when importing Keras - I get "Keras requires TensorFlow 2.2 or higher". Tried uninstal

training model CNN KERAS

hello everyone i am trying to train a model using cnn and keras but the training don't finish and i got this warning and it stops training , i don't know why an

How can I resolve " InvalidArgumentError: Graph execution error: jpeg::Uncompress failed. Invalid JPEG data or crop window"?

Beginner here. I recently converted my images to grayscale using opencv. Then I used those images for training. When I was training, there was an error. "Invali

How to deal with this deprecation warning 'nearest': pil_image.NEAREST, where is Resampling in Pillow?

Hi everyone I am using pip as package manager, and I receive the following DeprecationWarning when running my tests. I know that sometimes Warnings can be the B

How to add confusion matrix to my keras multiclass classifier?

fellow coders. I am trying to figure out ways to add a confusion matrix to the output of my Mobilenet-based multiclass classifier. Being a biologist with limite

How can I get the history of the KerasRegressor?

I want to get KerasRegressor history but all the time I get (...) object has no attribute 'History' ''' # Regression Example With Boston Dataset: Standardized a

ImportError: cannot import name 'get_config' from 'tensorflow.python.eager.context'

My notebook was working up till today. At the beginning of my colab notebook I install tf-nightly, but now it is giving me this error: -------------------------

How to overcome value error python model prediction?

I have trained a model and now my task was to test it on unseen images from the internet. Originally the model was trained on CIFAR-10 so for the model I chose

Why is my tensorflow model transforming binary classification labels from 0 and 1 to .7?

I have been working on a tensorflow model that predicts short term positive and negative trends in the stock market using momentum indicators. I have the model

cannot import name 'BatchNormalization' from 'keras.layers.normalization'

I'm learning ObjectDetection from this website I have installed ImageAI,Tensorflow and Keras. Then when I run this in python from imageai.Detection import O

Weird behaviour when finetuning Huggingface Bert model with Tensorflow

I am trying to fine tune a Huggingface Bert model using Tensorflow (on ColabPro GPU enabled) for tweets sentiment analysis. I followed step by step the guide on

model training got stuck after first epoch got completed...2nd epoch won't even start and not throwing any error too it justs stay idle

screenshot showing the model training stuck at epoch 1 without throwing error I am using google colab pro and here is my code snippet batch_size = 32 img_heigh

Negative dimension size caused by subtracting 3 from 1 for 'conv2d_2/convolution'

I got this error message when declaring the input layer in Keras. ValueError: Negative dimension size caused by subtracting 3 from 1 for 'conv2d_2/convolu

Tensorflow gpu - out of memory error, the kernel appears to have died

Here is my classification problem : Classify pathological images between 2 classes : "Cancer" and "Normal" Data sets contain respectively 150 000 and 300 000 im

copy/clone of keras subclassed models with custom attributes

I have a subclassed model with some custom attributes like this: class MyModel(tf.keras.Model): def __init__(self, *args, my_var, **kwargs): super()

copy/clone of keras subclassed models with custom attributes

I have a subclassed model with some custom attributes like this: class MyModel(tf.keras.Model): def __init__(self, *args, my_var, **kwargs): super()

Is there a way to get the real sequence_length in the model description of a RNN/LSTM in Keras?

I would like to get to know the real sequence_length in Keras for a LSTM/RNN. Unfortunately, when I print the model I only get None all the time as a value. Her

Trying to write a custom loss function in tensorflow

I am trying to make a custom loss function where I perform an inverse fast Fourier transform to a set of data and then do the following calculations. When I run

Talos, syntax to select best_model

I'm running a toy model for learning, on Ubuntu 21.10, in a conda environment that comprises python 3.74, keras 2.4.3 and talos 1.0, among many other packages.

Negative dimension size error in tensorflow [duplicate]

so I have 2 images, img1 and img2 both with shape=(20,20), to which I expand_dims to (1,20,20) 1 being batch size and feed them to the network