Category "kernel"

What is an OS' HAL?

The hardware abstraction layer (HAL) is (AFAIK) the lowest level software within a computing system. Thus, is it a set of functions implemented in assembly lang

Kernel panic MacBook Pro Mid 2014

I have MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Mid 2014) with BigSur 11.6.2 Everyday when I boot my laptop at first time it stay in black screen then my laptop reboot and

Why SCHED_FIFO threads are assigned to the same physical CPU even though idle CPUs are available?

While debugging some performance issue in app I'm working on, I found out weird behaviour of kernel scheduler. It seems that busy SCHED_FIFO tasks tend to be sc

Metal kernel function not found

I am trying to use Metal Performance Shaders with Core Image. Unfortunately, the filter code is in Objective C and I am using the bridge to make it work with th

Understanding the `scheduler_tick()` function of Linux Kernel

To my knowledge, I understood that the scheduler_tick() function periodically gets called by the timer interrupt with the frequency of HZ. I'm new to kernel dev

MmProbeAndLockPages() failed while coding windows driver

I am coding a windows driver. I try to probes a Virtual Memory Page using MmProbeAndLockPages()

Connection to the Jupyter Notebook Server could not be established

For the past many months I am trying to code in Jupyter Notebook but whenever I open Jupyter Notebook, then, I see a message where it is written 'A connection t

VScode failed to start the kernel

Failed to start the Kernel. Failed to start the Kernel 'wonyong (Python 3.8.8)'. View Jupyter log for further details. listen EFAULT: bad address in system ca

BTF: .tmp_vmlinux.btf: pahole (pahole) is not available

Getting this error while compiling the kernel version :5.7-rc4 BTF: .tmp_vmlinux.btf: pahole (pahole) is not available Failed to generate BTF for vmlinux Try t

Python New Env created by Anaconda Prompt not showing in Jupyter Notebook kernel list

I created a new python env using Anaconda Prompt by using the following steps: conda create --name py3-TF2.0 python=3 conda activate py3-TF2.0 conda install ten

Opencl clBuildProgram() access violation exception

I'm having a weird error executing an opencl kernel, When I'm trying to build the opencl kernel using the clBuildProgram() execution err = clBuildProgram(progra

KernelRestarter: restart failed in jupyter , Kernel died

[I 10:43:53.627 NotebookApp] 启动notebooks 在本地路径: /opt/soft/recommender/jupyter [I 10:43:53.627 NotebookApp] 

Install RT Linux patch for Ubuntu

Trying to make my generic Ubuntu to real time Ubuntu by modifying the kernel by patching / installing RT Linux but couldn't find a straight setup. Can someone h

kernel keeps dying in jupyter notebook

Whenever I start jupyter notebook and create a new python 3 notebook I get an error message saying kernel has died. I have tried deleting and installing ipython

How to create a system call for FreeBSD kernel

I want to add new syscall to freeBSD kernel and I want to change syscalls.master file in /usr/src/sys/kern/syscalls.master. But this file is not existing in th

adding patch and another git source does not work in yocto

I have tried to add another git sources from another project and a patch like follwoing in bbappend file (fyi in the bb file I have the first git repo where I g

Is there anyway to debug a windows kernel with secure boot on?

Is there anyway that i can debug a windows kernel that has secure boot on? when i try to turn on debug mode when secure boot on windows says that i need to turn

What do the mmaps provided in multiboot information mean?

From the multiboot 1 documentation: If bit 6 in the ‘flags’ word is set, then the ‘mmap_*’ fields are valid, and indicate the address a

Error building Android kernel: "multiple target patterns"

I attempted to build a fresh kernel for Nexus 5X following Google's instructions on this page Build system: Ubuntu 14.04 x86_64 Target system: MTC19T/bullhead

qemu-system-i386: Error loading uncompressed kernel without PVH ELF Note

Im trying to boot my OS to qemu with this code: qemu-system-i386 -kernel MyOS/mykernel.elf But I keep getting this error: qemu-system-i386: Error loading uncom