Category "keyboard-shortcuts"

what's shortcut key for switching current edited script to the last one?

when several scripts opened, I have to switch between the calling script and called script and Test script, what's the shortcut the switch the two script quickl

In Visual Studio code, if I'm in the search widget, how do I make the escape key give editor focus WITHOUT closing the widget?

Is there a way to modify the shortcuts so pressing escape in the find widget (the red dot) gives the editor (the green dot) focus without closing the find widg

How to do block-comments in Google Colab on a Mac with a non-American keyboard?

I want to do block-comments in Colab using a Mac laptop (Big Sur), so I had a look here: Is it possible to do block-comments in Google Colab? Ctrl+/ does not wo

Reproducing's scrollback to previous prompt in iTerm2

By default has a keybinding for ⌘+↑ that scrolls the screen back to (and briefly highlights) the previous command prompt. (This seems to

What is the shortcut for 'change language mode' in Visual Studio Code?

When I press cmd + K M to access the "Change Language Mode" option in Visual Studio Code, it opens keymap extensions marketplace section. Is it a shortcut confl

Xcode Preview Resume Button Shortcut

Is there a keyboard-shortcut to click the resume button in the canvas on Xcode Previews, instead of clicking it every time?

VSCode: how to undo split screen and show just current file?

VSCode provides sweet shortcuts for manipulating (splitting and rearranging) screens: Press Ctrl + \ to split your screen in two. Press Ctrl + Number to focus

SwiftUI's keyboardShortcut is not working if Button has a buttonStyle

My code: Button(action: { AudioServicesPlaySystemSound(1026) isActive.toggle() }){

How to reveal current file in Explorer?

When I have a file opened, I'd like to have a shortcut to navigate to this file inside the EXPLORER, so that I can see where it is located. How can I do this?

How to auto complete for loop in Android studio

I'm using Android studio and i'm trying to find a way to use a very common thing i used to do in eclipse. when i'm writing (for example) a for loop, i'm writing

VSCode column selection with keyboard

Any way to do this kind of selection using only the keyboard? With the regular Visual Studio I would use Shift + Alt + Arrows to get these columns selected.

How do I add a keyboard shortcut to open VS Code on the folder from File Explorer?

I want to be able to press . in any folder that I'm in File Explorer and open Visual Studio Code on that folder. It is the same effect as right-clicking and cli

Line-Comment shortcut on german keyboards

What is the equivalent of CTRL + SLASH on german keyboards? I know that US-Layouts got that / where the german _ is, since I used an US-Layout for some time

LogicalKeyboardKey.meta in shortcut is triggered without pressing the other keys in the LogicalKeySet

I've been working with Shortcuts, Actions and key binds with Flutter web. And I've found a weird behaviour that I can't find a solution to. The thing is, I have

LogicalKeyboardKey.meta in shortcut is triggered without pressing the other keys in the LogicalKeySet

I've been working with Shortcuts, Actions and key binds with Flutter web. And I've found a weird behaviour that I can't find a solution to. The thing is, I have

VS Code - find panel/view context name for shortcut 'when' expression

I'm trying to add some shortcuts to my VS Code instance and I want to scope them using the when expression to avoid conflicts. Alas, I'm struggling to find the

Vim: How to open new vertical split for file under cursor

I know gf opens the file under cursor, and CTRL-w f opens the file under cursor in a new split window. I'm probably being greedy but, how do you open it in a ne

Vim: How to open new vertical split for file under cursor

I know gf opens the file under cursor, and CTRL-w f opens the file under cursor in a new split window. I'm probably being greedy but, how do you open it in a ne

Both ENTER shortcut and TextArea in Vaadin

TextField f = new TextField(); Button b = new Button("Save"); b.setClickShortcut(KeyCode.ENTER); // For quick saving from text field itself TextArea longText =

VSCode some shortcuts not working properly

latest version 1.40.1 on Windows 7 x64. I am developing in Java. The most common shortcut, "go to definition" F12 and "auto fix" ctrl+dot I tested it on anoth