Category "keycloak"

Keycloak Adapter requires SSL error in AKS

I deployed my spring mvc aplication with tomcat docker image as server in Aks and ingress controller is used for redirection. My application is secured with K

OpenID Connect + Django DRF + React: How to use?

I have a web application made up of two parts: back-end which is implemented using Django + Django Rest Framework (DRF), and front-end which is a React App proj

Keycloak token exchange across realms

We use Keycloak 12.02 for this test. The idea is that we have a lot of customers, that we all have in their own realms. We want to be able to impersonate a user

Bitnami Keycloak container can't finish a setup

I tried to run keycloak and postgresql with docker containers and docker compose. When keycloak is processing setup it exited with code 1 Logs of docker My dock

Keycloak and spring security usage

I have used spring security in the past and understand that most of the features of keycloak can be achieved by using spring security ( ldap integration etc ).

Spring Boot Resource Server & Keycloak scope vs. role

is there anybody out there who is using Spring Boot Resource Server & Keycloak? I configured my

SAML authentication in OpenSerch giving error "Could not find IDPSSODescriptor" with keycloak

I am getting error below while integrating keycloak with OpenSearch (kibana). Is there any settings needed on keycloak side? The error says "Could not find IDP

Unable to resolve the OpenID Configuration with the provided Issuer (JHipster with KeyCloak)

I started keycloak by docker-compose -f src/main/docker/keycloak.yml up -d and then gradlew in my project exception occurred as Exception encountered during con

Keycloak gives me XMLHttpRequest error. with flutter but don't with postman

Goodmorning, I'm trying to use keycloak and flutter but unfortunally when i ask the token to keycloak he gives me an XMLHttpRequestError. I use thos method to a

Keycloak: HTTP request with Client Credentials always returns 'login' page

We're developing spring boot service and we managed to setup an OAuth2 with Keycloak and Google as OpenID provider. This works fine in a browser. Now, I need to

Authentication on Keycloak through REST API (Next JS)

I have a problem. I need to login in Keycloak, but i don't want to use default pages from Keycloak. I have pages for "sign-in" and "sign-up". I wrote requests a

Ionic: Redirect Android app after keycloak login

I have an ionic 6 app (using capacitor 3) and i am using Keycloak as authentication provider. My current keycloak version is V 14.0.0. When i test the web vers

JDBC driver Exception issue is coming in keycloak service

I'm trying to configure my keycloak-18 running on helm-chart with external mysql database-8 version. here is my helm chart file values.yaml file image: reposi

Keycloak - sending verification email to new registered user with relevant email address domain and add him to users group

I have a web app with authentication by Keycloak. New registered users default don't get any roles and when they want to use the app, they should see an appropr

How to setup Keycloak in High Availability

I’m wondering if it’s possible to setup Keycloak In High-Availability. If yes could you give some advices ?

how to Start keycloak 18 in Https mode in Kubernetes(minikube) Getting error to get the certificate

I'm running a minikube cluster on my local machine And want to deploy keycloak 18 version via Helm chart. But I'm unknown about. How to Add Generated certficate

How to use React Keycloak?

Did according to examples, but I get an error: http://localhost:3000/#error=login_required&state=19004288-e312-4782-ac23-9dc038cd7bb0 Here is my code: keyc

Keycloak is it possible acess resource server from public client

I am very new to keycloak and I want to know is it possible to create public client then authorize client and get access token. Then use that access token and c

Keycloak administration console not working

For me Keycloak is working but when I click on Administration console it showing error 404 Not found. Keycloak url: Administration console error:

Keycloak CSS is not updating in browser

I am upgrading Keycloak from 9.x to 12.x in a development environment. I initially copied some custom themes forward, and found that the styling was badly broke