Category "keytool"

Apache CXF JaxWsProxyFactoryBean SSL Configuration call to external https fails

I have a spring microservice docker deployed. I use JaxWsProxyFactoryBean to call an external server (soap/wsdl) and all goes well using http://externalServer: Invalid keystore format / Unrecognized keystore format. Please load it with a specified type, when using an old android keystore

I tried to sign an old Android application with Android Studio 4.0.1 (which I successfully signed say, 1 year ago) and it seems the keystore cannot be open anym

cant generate sign apk

I can't generate signed apk with android studio 2.1.3 after installing new windows 10. I have my password and I'm sure the password is correct but when I try to

Can not verify rule set jar

Another try to open a message here My company wants to use the deployment rule set for multiple java versions usage. Currenly we have 1.6.0_13, 1.7.0_51 and 1