Category "kivy"

Kivy .exe file not working - AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'size'

I have an issue when I create an .exe of a Kivy application. The application runs perfectly in .py, but when I create an executable, I receive an error - Attrib

How can I trace why a variable is not populated at init time in Kivy GUI?

How is it possible that the Kivy GUI app is not load the whole code at the time of initialization? Is it possible that when we called some function so the execu

Kivy/MySQL/colab-google Mysql request does not work

I'm using python/Kivy/MySQL/colab-google to compile an apk. When I run the app on Android, I give the command to register the app shuts down. import k

how insert loading animation during a function in python kivy?

I'm a beginner and would like to insert an MDSpinner while executing a loop, or a mysql query, or some process that takes time. I made this example below to ill

Dynamically adding a row in data table Kivy/KivyMD

For example I have an empty data table (with only column data) and a button. I want to dynamically add row data when button is pressed. Is it even possible?

kivmob doesn't show ads in android app python kivy

I try to add ads in my app. I added in my buildozer.spec: android.permissions = INTERNET, ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE requirements = python3,kivy, jnius, kivmob andro

button shape and text alignment changed after updating

I have recently deleted and re-installed python, kivy, kivymd. Then, my kivy button's shape changed. My MDRaisedButton used to have slightly rounded corners but

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'kivymd.uix.pickers'?

I'm XDoanh - A newbie in stackoverflow, I have a problem that need your answer: The current versions of kivy and kivymd that I am using are the latest versions

Convert Kivymd code to .exe (Windows executable)

I tried so much to convert kivymd code into .exe by using PyInstaller the error i getting was -modulenotfound no module named while solving

How to put a Graph into a Screen(Manager) with kivy

I have 3 Screens in my kivy application and in the second screen i want to put a graph which is a widget. I have my own class for this graph. The goal is do dis

making textinput widget on the basis of items in list in a popup and reading the text in in it using kivy framework-

def get_credential_fields_for_popup_success(self, urlrequest, data): # print(data) # print(data['fields']) s = list(data['fields'].va

How to set the title and text property of a kivymd MDCard class

I'm trying to change the text of an MDCard class in a for loop by creating various instances of the card in the for loop but I cant seem to manipulate the title

Can't update LABEL text on kivy file

I have a problem with updating a label text: id: time_ // the strange thing is , i can read(print) with self.ids.time_.text. Merci for help class Scroll(Screen)

Why is there no 'settings'icon in con definitions

Such a popular icon as a gear wheel. Why isn't it in KivyMD? That is for example: MDIconButton: icon: 'settings' Instead of an icon, it's just a white squa

Rasberrypi 4 - ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'kivymd.uix.picker'

My program was successfully installed all the package from Windows 10 and was able to run the code. But when I transfer the program from the rasberrypi 4 using

How to display Hebrew text in a TextInput field in Python Kivy

I am trying to make a simple app in kivy(a python package) that gets a text from a TextInput field and when a button is clicked it returns a text in Hebrew that

How to add Screen Manager to my KIVYMD code, but not in kv file only class method

I'm new here, I have a small problem in kivymd. Is there anyone here who would be able to help me? this is my file from import MDApp from k

Kivy exe file showing a blank grey canvas

I'm getting a grey window only. Earlier my application crashed due to window not found error. I used this thread. It fixed that error, now im left with a grey w

Kivy not opening new window on button press? (Subprocess/Popen, Python)

I am trying to open a new window upon a button press with kivy. However, when I try to open the file with the separate window in it, it simply doesn't do anythi

can't make work together opencv and kivy with buildozer on android smartphone

I have a problem can't make work together opencv and kivy with buildozer on android smartphone. On pc works fine but when I packaging with buildozer and put in