Category "kotlin-flow"

My MutableStateFlow doesnt emit when called from suspend function in test

I am trying to write tests for my Repository which provides access to my Room database. For this, I wrote a Mock Database and a mock DAO: My Database: abstract

Kotlin Flow - Some emitted events not received when collect

I am using MutableStateFlow. My flow type is sealed class with different states (Loading, Success, Error, etc). Initial value of my flow is empty: private val _

How do I wait until data from Preferences DataStore is loaded?

I'm trying to make a LibGDX Live Wallpaper. But I think that is unrelated to the problem I'm having at the moment. Basically, I'm storing the wallpaper's settin

Kotlin Flow returned from Room does not update when an insert is performed from another Fragment/ViewModel

I have a Room database that returns a Flow of objects. When I insert a new item into the database, the Flow's collect function only triggers if the insert was p

How to Unsubscribe from coroutine flows right after RoomDb call

I'm trying to query Room database(action 1) and then based on the returned results perform another action on the same table. however I noticed that every time I

Kotlin Flows map

I have an issue regarding kotlin flow merging. See below fun. suspend fun method(filter: String): Flow<List<Model>> { // Search. val models: List&l

How to safely (lifecycle aware) .collectAsState() a StateFlow?

I'm trying to follow the official guidelines to migrate from LiveData to Flow/StateFlow with Compose, as per these articles: A safer way to collect flows from A

Parallel processing values emitted by flow in Kotlin

Kotlin code runBlocking { flow { for (i in 0..4) { println("Emit $i") emit(i) }} .onEach { if (it%2 == 0) delay(20

GroupBy operator for Kotlin Flow

I am trying to switch from RxJava to Kotlin Flow. Flow is really impressive. But Is there any operator similar to RxJava's "GroupBy" in kotlin Flow right now?

MutableStateFlow force update / notify collector

MutableStateFlow doesn't notify collectors if the updated value equals the old value (source). I've found a workaround for this, but it doesn't scale well for c

Unit test the new Kotlin coroutine StateFlow

Recently, the class StateFlow was introduced as part of Kotlin coroutines. I'm currently trying it and encountered an issue while trying to unit test my ViewMod

Unit test the new Kotlin coroutine StateFlow

Recently, the class StateFlow was introduced as part of Kotlin coroutines. I'm currently trying it and encountered an issue while trying to unit test my ViewMod