Category "kotlin"

How to implement In app Update for Android production bundle in Play Store

I have implemented In App Update in my app, its working fine in on both apk and bundle in Internal Testing but its not working when I Upload the production bund

Kotlin noArg plugin not recognised by IntelliJ

I am not sure if I've missed a config or stumbled upon a bug. I am using IntelliJ to build a Kotlin Spring Boot application with JPA and would like to use Kotli

Layout inspector not showing composables tree

When I use Layout Inspector in a running compose app on a device, I do not obtain the composables tree but the view system tree. How to see the composables tree

Why Vert.x blocks event loop thread when using Oracle Reactive Client

I try to user Vert.x Reactive Oracle Client version 4.2.6 to avoid blocking threads in event loop. I decided to test a really long query: GlobalScope.launch(ver

Why am I getting a JsonDecodingException exception in kotlinx.serialization?

I'm trying to create a custom deserializer using kotlinx.serialization but when I deerialize a JSON payload with null parameters, an exception kotlinx.serializa cannot be cast to (.....).BaseExtension

Objective :
I have developed Test for CodeCoveragePluginForAndroidConnectedTest . Steps to reproduce error : ./gradlew clean build A problem occurred eval

Notify data change on spinner select

I can't seem to get my driver to update through my app. I have tried but with no luck. I have a possible solution but don't know what the adapter is that needs

material-1.5.0-alpha03\res\values-v31\values-v31.xml:3:5-94: AAPT: error: resource android:color/system_neutral1_1000 not found

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <resources> <color name="m3_ref_palette_dynamic_neutral0">@android:color/system_neutral1_1000</c

How to make Dialog re-measure when a child size changes dynamically?

I implemented a simple dialog with Jetpack Compose on Android. I am trying to show a caution message when isRehearsal is true. The variable isRehearsal is toggl

Is it possible to access internal class with reflection in Kotlin?

Is it possible to access fields of internal class with reflection in Kotlin? I need to change the object of the third-party library's internal class.

Can a Kotlin Object be used as a Spring bean?

Kotlin allows for the definition of singleton objects. In dependency injection (DI) frameworks like Spring or CDI, the life cycle of beans can be defined as sin

not able to use in my application

I am new to AI technology .I dded every DJL which are required to my project . But when I go to use I am not able t

Compose's "AndroidView"'s factory method doesn't recall when "remember" value change

I've an AndroidView on my UI and I'm creating a custom view class using factory scope. And I've remember value above my android view which is changing by user a

it seems that redisson distributed lock does not work

I'm testing whether distributed lock of redisson does work correctly, with kotlin and coroutine. runBlocking { repeat(1000) { launch {

How to modify the parameter pass to kotlin data class?

Say I have a data class data class MyClass(val crop: Rect, val name: String) But I want to make a copy of the Rect passed in since I don't want the value to be

How to invalidate apollo android cache?

Here is my apollo client code for caching val apolloSqlHelper = ApolloSqlHelper.create(context,"my_app") val sqlNormalizedCacheFactory = SqlNormalized

Flutter run takes too much time after editing MainActivity.kt

I was running some flutter project from github but the runnig taking too much time and showing some cryptic things in console like, lib\main.dart:1 √ Bui

gradle multiple repositories doesn't work

repositories { maven { url "" } gradlePluginPortal() } error: > Could not resolve all files for c

Intellij disable new line before annotated field for Kotlin

IntelliJ autoformat keeps adding a blank lines between class field declarations having annotations. Do you know how to disable it? This happens for kotlin files

Spring native query with GROUP BY and ORDER BY also pagination

What if I have my native query (with PostgreSQL) in a more "complex" way, which I need to GROUP the data in order to apply an ORDER BY clause? Well, doing so wi