Category "ktor"

How to restrict route access in ktor framework?

How to restrict route access in ktor framework? //only admin post("/add") { call.respondText { "add" } } post("/delete") { call.respondText {

How can I override logRequest/logResponse to log custom message in Ktor client logging?

Currently, the ktor client logging implementation is as below, and it works as intended but not what I wanted to have. public class Logging( public val log

How does ktor websocket flow api works?

I'm using ktor for server side development with websockets. Documentations shows us this example of using incoming channel: for (frame in incoming.mapNotNull {

Error uploading Multipart to MongoDB using Ktor

I'm trying to upload a JPEG to MongoDB using Ktor and Kotlin but keep getting an error: /document/image:32: open failed: ENOENT (

Kotlin Multiplaform iOS Exceptions showing in Xcode, not in Firebase

We have noticed in our project, we are getting allot of exceptions logged in Xcode (->Organiser->Crashes) logged in production... However these Share cra

Ktor - kotlinx.coroutines.channels.ClosedReceiveChannelException: Channel was closed

I am receiving back this kotlinx.coroutines.channels.ClosedReceiveChannelException upon about 50% of my api calls to a post url through Ktor HttpClient. Our cod

Mocking internal function call in Kotlin

I am a complete beginner in terms of Kotlin and I am finding some issues while trying to test out a Ktor based application. I have a file in my endpoints packag

How to get error message in api call response in ktor

I am learning Ktor. I want to print error value or exception. I have taken some piece of code from this post. I don't understand this post answer fully. ApiResp

How to Run Python Script (Scrapy) From Ktor

What I'm trying to do: Android Application (ADMIN) that gets job Title from user and fetches all the jobs related to it using Scrapy (Python) which are saved to

Is there any way to drop request inside plugin

Now I'm developing server application with ktor 2(2.0.0-eap-256). What I want to do is, according to header or other information, Reject or set adequate http st

How to implement Pagination with Ktor and Kmongo

Problem: To Implement Pagination on the server side using Ktor and Kmongo. Tech Stacks: Kotlin as Programming Language. Ktor as Web Framework. MongoDb as databa

Cannot deploy the ktor server

What kind of problem is that? Does anybody face this? Or anyone knows the solution? I was trying to deploy ktor server using PostgreSQL. Exception in thread "ma

in ktor plugin "Serialization" don't work with plug in "FreeMaker"

ok I'm new to Ktor and I'm learning about it, one thing that I faced in this progress was this error : kotlinx.serialization.SerializationException: Serializer