Category "kubernetes"

unable to access nodeIP:port, serviceIP:port or podIP:port in minikube k8s

I am using k8s in minikube under Ubuntu and deployed nginx server. Which i want to access from different level eg from serviceip, nodeip or pod ip and none of t

Unable To Access Prometheus Dashboard/ Port Forwarding Doesn't Work

I'm creating a K8 cluster and I want to display the cluster information in Grafana using Prometheus (as usual). I've followed various documentation that has bee

Dramatiq worker getting killed every often

I have started a dramatiq worker to do some task and after a point, it is just stuck and throws this below-mentioned error after some time. [MainThread] [dramat

elastic-operator (eck) restarts a lot

I currently have elastic-operator 1.4.0 version running on an AKS cluster. It has a high restarting count of 50 in 95 days for a prod env. Is this normal behavi

How do I design my NodeJS app to have one config (per env) that can work for both K8S and locally in debugger?

I've been using K8S for a year or so and continue to revisit a problem. My app is running in K8S and I now need to debug it. I have a NodeJS App that I'm askin

How to configure a ClusterRole for namespaced resources

I want to allow a ServiceAccount in namespace A to access a resource in namespace B. To achieve this I connect the ServiceAccount to a ClusterRole via a Cluster

How to restore Solr backup from S3 bucket

I have an up&running SolrCloud v8.11 cluster on Kubernetes, with solr-operator. The backup is enabled on S3 bucket. How can I correctly write the request to

Access mongodb replica set pod (kubernetes) through another pod AND through external sources

I'm running minikube on my local machine, and I can easily connect to my MongoDB pod from both external/internal sources through this setting below WITHOUT the

RBAC (Role Based Access Control) on K3s

after watching a view videos on RBAC (role based access control) on kubernetes (of which this one was the most transparent for me), I've followed the steps, how

How to trigger a rollout restart on deployment resource from controller-runtime

I have been using kubebuilder for writing custom controller, and aware of Get(), Update(), Delete() methods that it provides. But Now I am looking for a method

getting error "Invalid value" when trying to use secret value in flux Kustomization patchesStrategicMerge

I am getting the error dry-run failed, reason: Invalid, error: Deployment.apps "server" is invalid: spec.template.spec.containers[0].env[0].valueFrom: Invalid v

HPA Scaling even though Current CPU is below Target CPU

I am playing around with the Horizontal Pod Autoscaler in Kubernetes. I've set the HPA to start up new instances once the average CPU Utilization passes 35%. Ho

Why is my minikube metrics-server addon not reporting pod metrics (docker 20.x)?

My pod metrics stopped working on a local minikube deployment. It appears similar to an issue reported a while back, but I don't see the same error messages in

Are the whole nodes redundant in EKS Availability Zones?

Amazon EKS requires subnets in at least two Availability Zone. Is applied this redundancy to the whole nodes or only the control plane? If the whole nodes are r

Apache server runs with docker run but kubernetes pod fails with CrashLoopBackOff

My application uses apache2 web server. Due to restrictions in the kubernetes cluster, I do not have root previliges inside pod. So I have changed default port

How to use dynamic/variable image tag in a Kubernetes deployment?

In our project, which also uses Kustomize, our base deployment.yaml file looks like this: apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: nginx-deploymen

Using RestSharp to aend files between to API's on Kubernetes

So I have to API's running on Kubernetes. One has a controller function as such: string filePath = "/blobs/data/runsession/" + folderName; if (!Directory.Exists

Move or change a volume namespace

We re-organise our namespaces in Kubernetes. We want to move our Persistent volume Claims created by a storageclass from one namespace to another. (Our backup t

Curator disconnects from zookeeper when IPs change even when using DNS names in connection string

We are using the curator service discovery in docker and kubernetes environments. We setup the connection string using the DNS names of the containers/pods.

How to reset k8s cronjob schedule?

Kubernetes have cronjob which can be used to schedule jobs periodically Is there a way to r