Category "kubernetes-service"

Failed to construct kafka producer: No resolvable bootstrap urls given in bootstrap.servers (Intermittent issue)

I am getting intermittent issues while accessing the kafka service from the Kubernetes pod. org.apache.kafka.common.KafkaException: Failed to construct kafka pr

Access SQL Server database from Kubernetes Pod

My deployed Spring boot application to trying to connect to an external SQL Server database from Kubernetes Pod. But every time it fails with error Failed

Deployment can't be recreated during helm upgrade because PersistentVolumeClaim and Service failed to be replace

I have application that is using Helm charts to be deployed. On first helm upgrade --install command everything works as expected but second time I have this er

"kubectl get pods -A" command not working

I installed Kubernetes in virtual BOX previously it was working properly but not it is showing The connection to the server was refused - d