Category "kustomize"

How to use dynamic/variable image tag in a Kubernetes deployment?

In our project, which also uses Kustomize, our base deployment.yaml file looks like this: apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: nginx-deploymen

ArgoCD & Traefik 2.x: How to configure argocd-server Deployment to run with TLS disabled (where to put --insecure flag)

We have a setup with Traefik as the Ingress Controller / CRD and ArgoCD. We installed ArgoCD into our EKS setup as described in the Argo getting stared guide: k

how to replace or find correct path for kustomize

I have deployment and I want to replace "path" value in liveness probe section. What is correct path for this in kustomize? - patch: |- - op: replace

How could I run kubectl -k in an Azure DevOps pipeline?

Currently the Azure kubectl task uses Kubectl version Is there any way to run a newer version of kubectl that supports apply -k or kustomize?

How do you add multiple config files to configMap with kustomize configMapGenerator by using a pattern/regex/...?

Currently I do this: configMapGenerator: - name: sql-config-map files: - "someDirectory/one.sql" - "someDirectory/two.sql" - "someDirect

Kustomize using Strategic Merge patch on helmreleases

We keep in our Flux repo our HelmReleases. We use Kustomize to edit some of the keys in the HelmReleases. I tried using Strategic Merge patch in order to append