Category "laravel-8"

Mailhog is not working in Laravel 8.x + Sail

I'm using Sail with Laravel 8.x I set it up and it's working perfectly. However, as said here in the Doc, I'm supposed to be able to access the MailHog web inte

When I use ngrok to load my Laravel app , it only displays basic html and no css

The website my groupmates and I are working on is only locally available on my laptop. I want them to be able to open the website from their own homes, so that

Laravel failed to listen on (reason ?)

So I just created a new project using the command: laravel new blog Then I started by changing the directory and do the command php artisan serve And this i

Attempt to read property \"view\" on null when sending password reset email

I am trying to build password reset functionality but with a custom email template. So instead of returning the MailMessage from the notification I can sending

When try to log in as user : Target class [Laravel\Fortify\Http\Controllers\AuthenticateSessionController] does not exist

I am new to Laravel 8, I am trying to make a multi auth system for admin and user. I made a guard for admin, in FortifyServiceProvider in register method I adde

Insert multiple records at once from a table

I have this table which is loaded with data from the database and what the user has to do is select the one they want and fill in the data from both the select

strpos(): Argument #1 ($haystack) must be of type string, array given

I'm newbie in Laravel, and follow a free course in Laracast. This is link of my course my_cource (episode 11 at 2:49s). Summary of my problem: I'm trying to mak

The POST method is not supported for this route. Supported methods: GET, HEAD, PUT, PATCH, DELETE. Laravel 8

hello i have a problem with uploading a form this is my form @extends('') @section('content') <div class="container"> <div

Laravel 8 - Bootstrap 5 Bootstrap-select dont show options

I am trying to set bootstrap-select in laravel via laravel mix. Everything seems correct, but when clicking on the select, it does not show the options. In reso

Undefined variable in Laravel 8 project (php 7.4)

Most of the functions i the project works but when it comes to register results I’m getting an error. This is an extensive pistol competition system where

Laravel route returning error 404 when attempt is made to pass value to controller function

I have a button in my blade like this @can('customer_show') <a class = "btn btn-primary" href = "{{ route('

How to use regex or any other operator with whereIn clause

Is there any way we can use operator or regex as we normally do with the whereIn() clause. I want to use something like this $query->whereIN(name,'like','%te

storage\logs/laravel.log" could not be opened in append mode: failed to open stream: Permission denied

I have developed my application in Laravel 8, it's working fine in localhost and Linux server. But When I deployed it in Plesk Windows Server it's showing permi

How can i update or reset my password without entering email field in laravel-8?

i have some users in my usertable ,when ever i sent to reset token to my mail based on that mail i am updating my user account password(reset-password)that's wo

Laravel Http client before request send add headers

I'm using Http client for making outgoing HTTP requests. I've used it many places in the project.Now project has new requirement that I have to add a new header

Illuminate\Contracts\Container\BindingResolutionException Target class [app\Http\Controllers\FrontEnd\IndexController] does not exist

**Target class ** does not exist. ?? Why I didn't understand Error Is lluminate\Contracts\Container\BindingResolutionException Target class [app\Http\Control

Google Sheet to Laravel 8 Integration

I want to integrate google sheet with Laravel 8 without any third party tool or connector. I know its simple for many but i am not able to get through. Highly a

Google Sheet to Laravel 8 Integration

I want to integrate google sheet with Laravel 8 without any third party tool or connector. I know its simple for many but i am not able to get through. Highly a

Laravel 8 Admin controller don't work - in what problem?

I have this route: Route::group(['prefix' => 'admin', 'namespace' => 'Admin', 'middleware' => ['web', 'auth']], function () {; Route::get('/', fun

Laravel data backtracking after Session::flush()

I'm using Laravel 8 to do a login/logout function, if users login, their data will record in session; and if logout, it will be destroyed from session. I find t