Category "laravel-9"

Laravel 9 Cannot find table - pivot table singular/plural issue

My understanding is that the naming convention for database tables in Laravel is to use plural names for regular tables, and singular names for pivot tables (do

How To Access A Column In M-M Relationship Table In Laravel

I made a many-to-many relationship in laravel, where users can make announcements on an event. The problem is that I want to retrieve the announcement message f

Laravel 9: Custom login

I am trying to change the default table that laravel 9 uses to authenticate the users. But while I can see that user is authenticanted in the login function of

How to sign outgoing emails in Laravel 9 with a DKIM signature

Please explain conception how to sign outgoing emails in Laravel 9 with a DKIM signature. Laravel 9 uses Symfony mailer. I'm trying to proceed by this way: clas

Laravel route returning error 404 when attempt is made to pass value to controller function

I have a button in my blade like this @can('customer_show') <a class = "btn btn-primary" href = "{{ route('

Problem at startup laravel9 system after git clone

After I made a git clone with my project, composer install and everything and php artisan serve I'm just getting three lines of footers like this: 2022 © W

Vue 3 checkbox component does not work in laravel as checkbox (Accept terms) situation

I'm working on a laravel 9 project that uses vue 3. For each form input has been made field components.Everything works fine except registration checkbox (Accep

Laravel 9 serializeDate() Not Working on Other Columns

I want to return json wit all the data with a timestamp datatype turned into ISO 8601 automatically. This should be easily achievable after Laravel 7 but I stil

carbon generated datetime not stored correctly into the database

I have a tv_shows table where i'm trying to store the start and end datetime of each tv show. this is my migration: Schema::create('tv_shows', function (Bluepri

Laravel 8.x to 9.x upgrade requirements issue

How can I fix? Your requirements could not be resolved to an installable set of packages. illuminate/database[v6.0.0, ..., v6.19.1] require php ^7.2 -> your

How to fix a Laravel Sail "SQLSTATE[HY000] [1130] Host 'XXX.XXX.X.X' is not allowed to connect to this MySQL server" error

Laravel: 9.2Mac OS: 12.3.1Docker Desktop: 4.5.0 I have installed a default Laravel project using sail. My docker-compose.yml file includes the following: mysql:

Run existing Laravel project with sail

I have an existing Laravel project which I created with the following command. curl -s | bash The project was created success

Is the ddd() helper not working in Laravel 9?

I upgraded to Laravel 9 the other day, and now the ddd() helper is failing with the error Call to undefined function ddd(). I found this post on the Laracasts f

How to resize preview image using FilePond in Laravel?

Currently I can only set the height using the imagePreviewHeight property. <script> FilePond.registerPlugin( FilePondPluginImagePreview,

Install swiper slider on Laravel project

how can I install the swiper slider package on my Laravel 9 project? Package link :

Laravel 9: change table and fields for authentication and login

I have changed the table and the Laravel Breeze fields for authentication to some custom ones. It looks fine but in AuthenticatedSessionController.php while I g