I have a problem with php artisan tinker, can't find the reason why he wants a 'businesses' table but not a 'business' table. Help me fix mistakes, I feel I did
I'm running a Laravel app on multiple servers at the same time. It's running in a Docker image. Each time I deploy some code changes, Docker image is restarted
I have a migration on Laravel for table pasien like this : public function up() { Schema::create('pasien', function (Blueprint $table) { $table->
I've an enum field in my migration. The code is here: Schema::create('clients', function (Blueprint $table) { $table->increments('id'); $ta
I am trying to create mysql tables in Laravel 5. I created a file in /project/database/migrations called users.php: [...] public function up() { Schema::cr
I've just started with Laravel and I get the following error: Unknown column 'updated_at' insert into gebruikers (naam, wachtwoord, updated_at, created_a
In my Laravel project, I use nwidart package for making modules. Now I want to add deleted_at column to an existing model. I should make a new migration in my m