Category "laravel-sanctum"

Autheticate via Laravel Sanctum by passing token as a GET query parameter

I know the dangers of passing the token as a GET parameter. I've seen this and this. However, in my case there is no other way because the route will get called

Laravel Sanctum unauthenticated using postman

I follow the Laravel official document step by step. When I send a request to {{host}}/api/login, I can receive the response that includes token. EVerything is

Laravel Sanctum throws 401 Unauthenticated when using Postman

I have problem with Laravel Sanctum. My dev environment is located in subdomain. All my API routes are prefixed with /api. Here are my settings: .env APP_URL=ht

Is Laravel Sanctum suitable to give API access to Third-party server?

We built an API (which currently contains just a single route) to give access to specific data to another company we are working with. The API calls this other

Laravel Sanctum CSRF not authenticating

I have a problem understanding use of CSRF tokens with Laravel/Sanctum. As I see, there is no need to create Sanctum API token to authenticate user, and conside

Retrieve user by Sanctum plainTextToken

How to retrieve the 'logged in' user from a Sanctum token. For logging in I have the following method public function login(Request $request) { if (Auth::at

Retrieve user by Sanctum plainTextToken

How to retrieve the 'logged in' user from a Sanctum token. For logging in I have the following method public function login(Request $request) { if (Auth::at

NuxtJs app returns 401 after log in with laravel sanctum

I'm trying to build a PWA with NuxtJS and Laravel is in the backend for the API. I use Laravel Sanctum for API auth and also I have NuxtJS auth module, I can lo

Should we make a request to /sanctum/csrf-cookie first, before registration that logs in a user after a successful registration?

My SPA is in the same repository as my laravel application and the documentation states that when using sanctum, your SPA's "login" page should first make a req

Laravel SPA (Vue) Authentication with cookie or token?

the more I read about Laravel Spa (Vue) authentication, the more I ask myself about the "best way" to authenticate with Sanctum. Official Laravel documentation

Impersonate users with Sanctum

I'm implementing a simple impersonation system for Laravel with Sanctum. Earlier I used Tymondesigns/jwt-auth with Rickycezar/laravel-jwt-impersonate, but we re

laravel sanctum Route [login] not defined

I am trying to get the current user in my laravel vue application. And whenever I trie to get it i am getting this error: Symfony\Component\Routing\Exception\Ro

Issue with POST requests with Laravel Sanctum and Postman

I have a problem with Sanctum and Postman that's related to this post: SPA Authentication Issues with Sanctum and Postman I followed everything from the Laravel

Authenticate my ReactJS SPA with laravel/sanctum using Axios

After a successful authentication (login + token), I'm still unable to request auth:sanctum routes and I get the following response: Docs ... This token shoul

How to access Sanctum package in custom laravel package

i want to access laravel sanctum auth which is working fine in project routes I'm making a custom package of api's which needs to use same sanctum authenticatio

Redirected to login after refreshing page in nuxtjs and laravel sanctum

i have a problem with Nuxt SSR mode in production auth with Laravel sanctum login success but when refresh any page, redirecting to login page and logout !!!