I'm trying to find out what is the best way to store error messages (due to wrong parameters for e.g). Assuming I'm declaring the accepted parameters in the Co
I have this model: Company Which has a relation: $this->belongsToMany('App\CallList', 'call_list_companies', 'company_id', 'call_list_id') And vice versa: Ca
In my situation, I only need publish message from laravel application to available rabbitmq queue which created in another symfony application. I installed this
I am use OctoberCMS Rainlab.User plugin to manage authentication. I have various models and that belongTo User. How do i set up an anonymous global scope on eac
I'm trying to debug a Laravel project in Ubuntu 20.04. There is a problem that debugger doesn't hit breakpoint just in Laravel project but in other projects Xd
I've got a question regarding Laravel. Where is the difference in using ServiceProviders or Middleware in Laravel? So I mean, when do I use ServiceProviders and
This is driving me crazy second day. I'm new to Laravel and trying to get Laravel 6 work on Google App Engine Standard. Tried: This tutorial and other ones, but
Is it possible to have a dynamic date for a commitment date? For example, we can hire a person 1 year in the future and commitment dates start in 2008 minimum
I am trying to migrate a Laravel 8 project from Homestead to Sail. Sail seems to be set up correctly since I can get to my project's website locally. But I can'
I have changed the default website localization in confing/app.php to be (de) 'locale' => 'de', 'fallback_locale' => 'de', But still website is loading
How can I change default log file location <project-name>/storage/logs/laravel.log to something like /var/logs/<project-name>/laravel.log?
I'm looking to refresh and seed a single table in Laravel 5.1. Is this even possible? I have tried the below, but it gives an error (incorrect syntax). php ar
When posting form I am getting this exception Unresolvable dependency resolving [Parameter #0 [ $method ]] in class GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Request Searched and trie
SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1048 Column 'name' cannot be null (SQL: insert into products (name, type, img_url, updated_at, created_at) v
I'm trying to call a function inside one of my controller from the action() helper function. I need to pass a paramter to my function. Here is the funciton I'm
I am trying to get a modal to show upon redirect to a page. I am following this response (Laravel how to redirect back to boostrap modal dialog window) My con
The relevant code is shown below: var csrfToken = "{{ csrf_token() }}"; xmlhttp.open("POST", "/internal/v1/create/strategy", true); xmlhttp.setRequestHeader('X
We have build a user auth with laravel UI by having accounts -> users structure. Now we want to have a superuser, that can see all data fro
I'm currently learning laravel and creating my first form. Everything is awesome until I want to use {{ old('') }} helper in my blade file for radio buttons. I'
I want to know if I have to use a string or an integer for a phone number? I have tried an integer but I have a problem in my validation. ... table->integ