Category "laravel"

best way to store error messages in Laravel (session or variable)

I'm trying to find out what is the best way to store error messages (due to wrong parameters for e.g). Assuming I'm declaring the accepted parameters in the Co

Laravel detach not working on belongsToMany

I have this model: Company Which has a relation: $this->belongsToMany('App\CallList', 'call_list_companies', 'company_id', 'call_list_id') And vice versa: Ca

How to publish raw json message to another application queue?

In my situation, I only need publish message from laravel application to available rabbitmq queue which created in another symfony application. I installed this

OctoberCMS / Anonymous Global Scope

I am use OctoberCMS Rainlab.User plugin to manage authentication. I have various models and that belongTo User. How do i set up an anonymous global scope on eac

Xdebug in Laravel is not working with VSCode

I'm trying to debug a Laravel project in Ubuntu 20.04. There is a problem that debugger doesn't hit breakpoint just in Laravel project but in other projects Xd

Laravel ServiceProvider vs. Middleware

I've got a question regarding Laravel. Where is the difference in using ServiceProviders or Middleware in Laravel? So I mean, when do I use ServiceProviders and

Laravel with App Engine Standard Class 'Facade\Ignition\IgnitionServiceProvider' not found

This is driving me crazy second day. I'm new to Laravel and trying to get Laravel 6 work on Google App Engine Standard. Tried: This tutorial and other ones, but

Laravel validation, dynamic date

Is it possible to have a dynamic date for a commitment date? For example, we can hire a person 1 year in the future and commitment dates start in 2008 minimum

Cannot access mysql database after migrating from Homestead to Sail

I am trying to migrate a Laravel 8 project from Homestead to Sail. Sail seems to be set up correctly since I can get to my project's website locally. But I can'

Laravel set default language not working

I have changed the default website localization in confing/app.php to be (de) 'locale' => 'de', 'fallback_locale' => 'de', But still website is loading

Laravel 5 - change default log location, move log file outside the app

How can I change default log file location <project-name>/storage/logs/laravel.log to something like /var/logs/<project-name>/laravel.log?

Laravel 5.1 refresh and seed a single table

I'm looking to refresh and seed a single table in Laravel 5.1. Is this even possible? I have tried the below, but it gives an error (incorrect syntax). php ar

Laravel Unresolvable dependency resolving [Parameter #0 [ <required> $method ]] in class GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Request

When posting form I am getting this exception Unresolvable dependency resolving [Parameter #0 [ $method ]] in class GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Request Searched and trie

SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1048 Column 'name' cannot be null

SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1048 Column 'name' cannot be null (SQL: insert into products (name, type, img_url, updated_at, created_at) v

laravel controller function parameters

I'm trying to call a function inside one of my controller from the action() helper function. I need to pass a paramter to my function. Here is the funciton I'm

Modal to show upon redirect (Laravel)

I am trying to get a modal to show upon redirect to a page. I am following this response (Laravel how to redirect back to boostrap modal dialog window) My con

Laravel 5.1 xmlHttpRequest AJAX POST TokenMismatchException

The relevant code is shown below: var csrfToken = "{{ csrf_token() }}";"POST", "/internal/v1/create/strategy", true); xmlhttp.setRequestHeader('X

How to have superuser on laravel 8 UI [closed]

We have build a user auth with laravel UI by having accounts -> users structure. Now we want to have a superuser, that can see all data fro

Laravel 5.1 how to use {{ old('') }} helper on blade file for radio inputs

I'm currently learning laravel and creating my first form. Everything is awesome until I want to use {{ old('') }} helper in my blade file for radio buttons. I'

Integer or String for a phone number?

I want to know if I have to use a string or an integer for a phone number? I have tried an integer but I have a problem in my validation. ... table->integ