For example, I have this Coverage report snapshot: It says that page load is 2.5MB of bandwidth though the Coverage report says there's more unused code (3.3MB
I am trying to run Lighthouse via Puppeteer in a Docker image using chrome-aws-lambda, and no matter what website I send to Lightho
I did the lighthouse test on my website the report shows some issues but I don't know where to start to fix these issues I see one of the issues fix to enabling
I have a layout that require to have the same form in 2 different place for mobile and desktop view What I did is to wrap both in a container that hide one or a
I'm a front end engineer working in e-commerce and marketing, and one of my routine tasks is finding out why client's websites are so slow. Most of them are on
I am trying to run a lighthouse performance audit on an Angular SSR yet it returns an empty page. No error messages or anything. However, if I run it on https:/
Light House audit is suggesting that I preload key requests, specifically the two google fonts that I'm using in my React app. A Light House member suggested us