Category "linux"

My Kali linux showing 'No module named importlib' 'from importlib import import_module'

Trying to install build dependencies with pip which is installing in /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages As I try to install proceed gives an error Collectin

Extracting a .7z File into a Pandas Data Frame

I am Using a Jupyter notebook (google colab) to try and extract data from a .7z file into a pandas dataframe, using linux commands. The data is from http://untr

QProcess does not signal stdout ready

When I launch xfreerdp process out of shell, it prints INFO messages to stdout and WARN/ERROR messages to stderr, as expected (this is just the default /log-lev

Alacritty opacity bug

My Alacritty opacity stopped working. I am running latest Manjaro Linux with KDE Plasma. I am using this in my config currently. Everything else, like themes an

pop_os 21.10 - Disable sleep/suspend when lid is closed & external monitor disconnected

New to pop_os, been on different linux distros for couple of decades. I am usually a KDE/Plasma user. Installed pop_os on an old laptop, where i want to run cou

Forward traffic via libnetfilter_queue

I have a need where i need to forward traffic with libnetfilter_queue to another server, after adding some informations in it. Problem is that i'm stuck on the

Am I using grep properly?

I am new here and need help with a problem I can't seem to solve. I am working on my class project and analyzing a log file, so far I have been successful up to

Unit Testing Works in VSCode on Windows but not Linux

I'm having trouble debugging Xunit unittests in .NET6 running on Ubuntu 20.04 in VSCode (1.66.2). These run in VisualStudio and VSCode in Windows. I can run (no

Unable to start TeamCity Build agent on Docker

I'm trying to create a TeamCity build agent on docker. i pulled the official image and tried to start it with default configurations with below command docker r

Why can't I start the top command in batch mode, stop it, and then resume it with fg?

I don't know why, so I would like to ask Gen... $ top -b and then Ctrl + Z to stop it, and then bring it back to foreground with $ fg %1 It does not work as des

summarise NA data from datafile on command line in linux / bash

I have a data file with missing values I want to summarise this data and find out how many NA there are in the whole data file and in certain specific cols I ha

Why do system calls use a different stack?

Here is a question about the details happening during system call. However, one thing surprises me that the TSS maintains different stacks for different privili

How to run a Java download command using shell in ansible

I want to download and install Java in one our VMs using Ansible. I tried with yum and that was successful but, as part of requirement I was asked to do it anot

How do i get code completion for C# scripts in VSCode for Unity on Linux/Ubuntu?

I recently came back to unity, as i found out that it does now support installation linux. It works, but when editing the scripts with vscode i do not get code

Install talib on docker

FROM python:3 USER root RUN apt-get update RUN apt-get -y install locales && \ localedef -f UTF-8 -i ja_JP ja_JP.UTF-8 RUN wget http://prdownloads

Why SCHED_FIFO threads are assigned to the same physical CPU even though idle CPUs are available?

While debugging some performance issue in app I'm working on, I found out weird behaviour of kernel scheduler. It seems that busy SCHED_FIFO tasks tend to be sc

Authentificate users of another active directory using first active directory using Tomcat and LDAP on Linux

I have two active directories ad1 and ad2 that are trusted by each other. Ad1 has groups that contain both users of ad1 and ad2. Using a Tomcat realm of a Linux

Does Linuxptp support IEEE802.1AS 2020 standard?

Could anyone please tell me if the linuxptp is planning to release IEEE802.1AS-2020 support for linuxptp stack Is there any plan/timeline for this release? If a

copy files from folder based on csv file list

I want to copy certain files from a folder based on a list stored in a .csv file. Previously I used rsync to do this using rsync -a /source/directory --files-fr

Duplicate camera stream not working with custom frame width and height

I have been able to duplicated my webcam stream on ubuntu with gst-launch-1.0 v4l2src device=/dev/video0 ! tee name=t ! queue ! v4l2sink device=/dev/video2 t.