Category "linux"

ARM64 Geckodriver for Linux

I require an ARM64 version of geckodriver for Linux. I am aware you can compile it yourself, however I have no idea how to do that. I have also found this post.

(38)Function not implemented: AH00141: Could not initialize random number generator

I recently upgrade my Debian server from Debian 10 (Buster) to Debian 11 (Bullseye). Apache2 was upgrade to the 2.4.52-1~deb11u2 version. Since that, I can't st

c# sending messages to local syslog service on linux

Is there a way to send log messages to the local syslog service on centos 7 within a c# program? In python there is the syslog library but with c# the only way

Airflow without sudo access?

in my virtual env on azure VM, i ran pip3 install apache-airflow when i started airflow db init i received File "/home/shivamanand/myenv/lib/python3.7/site-pack

Clion and cmd ssh WSL are refused on windows 10

I've configured WSL for my computer, and it work in WSL terminal successfully. zoom@Zoom:/etc/ssh$ ssh zoom@localhost -p 2222 zoom@localhost's password: Welcom

How to add Multiple user acccount with check and SSH key using Bash script

Based on my requirement in my dev server, I have Created a Linux function that will create a dev user,(Take the user's first name and create a Linux user ) we h

Compilation of nginx fails due to struct 'crypt_data' has no member named 'current_salt'

I am trying to compile nginx on Ubuntu machine with GCC. My Glibc version is 2.31. m@feynman:~/Junk/nginx-1.9.9 $ /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ --version GNU

How to put data in L2 cache with A72 Core?

I have an array of data that looks like this : uint32_t data[128]; //Could be more than L1D Cache size In order to do computation on it, I want to put the data

How can I call arm-none-eabi-gdb with -x parameter

I want to call arm-none-eabi-gdb with -x parameter when launch debugger after installing cortex-debug. How can I do in launch.json or setting.json, thanks for y

How can I call arm-none-eabi-gdb with -x parameter

I want to call arm-none-eabi-gdb with -x parameter when launch debugger after installing cortex-debug. How can I do in launch.json or setting.json, thanks for y

Can I change the default linker script/flags of ld?

I am using a software, which modifies some bytes in an executable. I don't know what it does exactly, but I use it for license protection of the already built b

Why does strace ignore some syscalls (randomly) depending on environment/kernel?

If I compile the following program: $ cat main.cpp && g++ main.cpp #include <time.h> int main() { struct timespec ts; return clock_gettime

(solved) bash script: how to cope with the different cp behaviors?

Among the tons of cp questions I have not found anything about this difference in behaviour (tested on Ubuntu 18.04). Sorry for the lost post, but the setting i

How to check if file created using `open` is newly created?

When opening a file with O_CREAT set, the file in question will be created if it does not already exist. I want special action to be taken only if the file is n

Is it impossible to install R 4.0 on Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS because r-base-core requires a libc6 version >= 2.29?

I am trying to install R 4.0 on Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS but I keep getting errors of > sudo apt install r-base-core Reading package lists... Done Building depen

Is it possible to run python scripts without python installed in Linux?

I once did something similar under windows, copying the whole python and specifying PYTHONPATH by a .bat script to make it work locally. But today I got a Linux

Log in to a site (Stack Overflow) by Bash

How can I log in to a website using Bash in Linux? For example, to log in to Stack Overflow I tried many different methods, shown below, but nothing's worked. w

Cannot connect to docker daemon in intellij in ubuntu with snap

In Intellij Ultimate docker is not detected automatically. I choose "create new", but i get the message, that i cannot connect to docker daemon at unix /var/run

How to change default shell of OpenWrt?

The default shell of OpenWrt is ash, but I would like to change it to fish. When I ran chsh -s /usr/bin/fish (the absolute path of fish), it returned -ash: chs

What is the Unexpected Token syntax error in line six?

I'm trying to learn how to create NFTs on the Ethereum block chain. In terminal (Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS) Aki-Zeta:~/my-nft$ node scripts/mint-nft.js I keep getting