Category "liquibase"

Liquibase using H2 getting Driver class was not specified and MVMap$2 error

When I execute: ./mvnw liquibase:diff I am getting errors: Driver class was not specified and ClassNotFoundException: org.h2.mvstore.MVMap$2: [ERROR] Failed to

SpringBoot Liquibase Oracle Junit test case execution fails

I have a SpringBoot application in which i use Liquibase to generate oracle schema and tables. When i run the application, it runs fine. But when i try to run t

Spring boot r2dbc and jdbc Liquibase does not update on application start

I want my application to use r2dbc drive when running and jdbc to handle the database with Liquibase. I have this as a reference. It is possible by adding the c

Unable to execute Liquibase update commands via Docker run

I am using docker here to build Liquibase and trying to execute Liquibase commands on fly. Here is the Dockerfile:- FROM liquibase/liquibase RUN lpm add mysql -

Liquibase exclude any changesets without a label

Is it possible to prevent changesets without a label from being deployed? We want to deploy our changesets based on feature/ticket using liquibase labels. Howev

Nesting one-to-one relationship in already owned entity

I'm working on a project with multiple user data mapped to a user by one-to-one relationships in the entities. I'm in the process of adding another entity which

How to reference the default schema in liquibase preCondition sqlCheck

Posting here in case it helps someone. TLDR: ${database.defaultSchemaName} within sqlCheck to access default schema name I wanted my database changeset to firs

Liquibase DatabaseChangeLogTable

There is a requirement in my project which requires more than one database change log table. Multiple microservices are connecting with one Db instance having l

Using Liquibase to populate data with ORM

I am currently using Liquibase to create the database schema. It's a spring boot application that uses hibernate ORM. Liquibase is changing the database schema

Liquibase. generate-changelog doesn't create script of function creation

I'm trying to execute command liquibase generate-changelog --changelog-file=baseline.postgresql.sql --diffTypes=functions on free version of liquibase (paramete

Missing table [rev_info] after bump liquibase version, spring data envers

I have problem with my project after bump liquibase version to 4.9.1. There is error: BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'entityManagerFactor

Maven mvn install doesn't run liquibase scripts

everyone! I faced with a problem. I have SpringBoot app with Spring JDBC and liquibase. When I do mvn install my tests failed because, liquibase doesn't run. Wh

Two conditions in where tag of Liquibase

I want to add two conditions in where tag of liquibase and exception is thrown: Reason: liquibase.exception.DatabaseException: Unknown column 'uid' in 'where cl

how disable liquibase in jhipster 7.7.0

I'd like to know how can I temporarily disable Liquibase in JHipster 7.7.0 there is a similar question here I tried this suggested solution but it shows this er

Liquibase context in changeset

The text below is from liquibase's contexts page By default, a database update runs all

Spring Boot: run liquibase migrations without starting app

In Spring Boot, the documentation seems to encourage running migrations on app startup. This is fine, but sometimes app startup may have side effects / depende

Using Liquibase to initialize in-memory H2 for unit tests in Spring Boot application

I've used in-mem databases in Spring JPA tests many times, and never had a problem. This time, I have a bit more complex schema to initialize, and that schema m

How to SET ROLE for liquibase to use for DATABASECHANGELOGTABLE-creation

My current setup requires that the whole liquibase-migration is executed with a specific DB-role. I currently have the following changeSet on top of my script:

Why and when Liquibase?

I have searched for this answer on stack overflow, but I couldn't find any questions on this. I am new to Liquibase and want to learn Why Liquibase? When exactl

Liquibase transaction rollback vs <rollback> tag

I learned that Liquibase runs each changeSet in a transaction and commits it after inserting into the DATABASECHANGELOG table. If something goes wrong during th