Category "list"

c# - clone array of list of objects not working [duplicate]

I'm trying to clone array of list of objects. the clone modified when the original list modified (one of the properties of Page object). how d

How to have dynamic columns (like for weeks w1, w2, w3...) to contain number value as score in Sharepoint list

See attached spreadsheet screenshot. How to incorporate dynamic / ever increasing columns with custom labels such as W1, W2, W3 to contain number value (score 0

How do i get the values of object in arrays react js

Object { rows: (1) […], count: 3 } ​ My api is giving me this count: 3 ​rows: Array [ {…} ] ​​0: Object { ELIGIBILITATE: "

How do I clone a list so that it doesn't change unexpectedly after assignment?

While using new_list = my_list, any modifications to new_list changes my_list every time. Why is this, and how can I clone or copy the list to prevent it?

Removing a list in a list of lists if a condition not satisfied

I have a list of lists. I want to remove lists if the lenght of intersection of values in the list with previous lists is more than one. For example A=[(1,2,3,4

Python - Extract value from list of dictionaries that match a specified key

I have a list of names: names = ['london','paris'] and I have a list of dictionaries: data = [ { "_id": "ebef3cb1-9053-4d1e-b409-b682236445b7",

List in Python help needed: how to Avoid calling repetitive code

I have a function shown below: def _extract_parent(matched_list, json_data, info_type): return [json_data[match_lst][info_type] for match_lst in matched_lis

Write a function that takes in a list of integers and returns True if it contains 007 in order but they don't have to be consecutive

examples : 1.spy_game([1,2,4,0,0,7,5]) --> True 2.spy_game([1,0,2,4,0,5,7]) --> True 3.spy_game([1,7,2,0,4,5,0]) --> False

Spark-Java : How to add an array column in spark Dataframe

I am trying to add a new column to my Spark Dataframe. New column added will be of a size based on a variable (say salt) post which I will use that column to ex

Iterating through list of lists of lists

I am trying to iterate through a 3-D list in python(not numpy but I am willing to convert to a numpy array if this makes it easier) in such a way that from a li

How to change array rows places whithouth numpy

Hello everyone here is my code: n =[[34,2,55,24,22],[31,22,4,7,333],[87,74,44,12,48]] for r in n: for c in r: print(c,end = " ") print() sums=[]

Is there a way to initialize or modify a list that allows to reference previous values?

I want to store non-rectangular data in a structure, e.g. in a list. Referencing previous data works using a tibble, e.g. like this: dat <- tibble(a = 2,

a python console application executed from within vscode integrated terminal not allowing arrow keys to select list items

I have a file Running the file pops up a dialog with a list of menu items on the terminal to select from. I cannot traverse the menu items using key

Problems with input values to a list

I'm quite new at this and I have a problem. I want to read an input and store it at a list, for example: 2 -> number of trees that will be formed after this

splitting strings by list of separators irrespective of order

I have a string text and a list names I want to split text every time an element of names occurs. text = 'Monika goes shopping. Then she rides bike. Mike likes

Use a list with function names to iteratively apply over a dataframe column

Context: I'm allowing a user to add specific methods for a cleaning process pipeline (appended to a main list with all the methods chosen). Each element from th

Entry-wise domination of vectors

I have several list of reals in [0,1] of identical size. For instance: [0.33, 0.0, 0.0, 0.33, 0.33, 0.33, 0.0] [0.0, 0.33, 0.0, 0.33, 0.33, 0.33, 0.0] [0.0, 0.3

Excel Single Use Dropdownlist

My problem is the following. I have two tables. The first table is a guest list where the information on who is the guest and how many beds he need is stored. S

map function based on a column value of dataframes stored in a list

I am trying to use the map function to do something complex - I'd like to use the values of the Result column per each dataframe I have in a list ( these are m

What's the fastest way of finding a random index in a Python list, a large number of times?

What's the best (fastest) way of extracting a random value from a list, a large number (>1M) of times? I am currently in a situation where I have a graph rep