Category "listbox"

WPF Scrollbar missing - There is no scrollbar shown in the inner listbox inside another list box

In my example, I have a list box (CommentsList). Every item in the list has another inner list ( repliesList). When I have have some commens the vertical scroll

C# Saving list box items to Array upon button click

On a second form, I have 4 text boxes that when button click "ADD", items add to a single list box in this format Airport 1 Runway 1 Runway 2

Typescript: Headless ui - Listbox - open/close management

Headless ui Listbox is not allowing to use open state with typescript. The lisbox should allow multiselect functionality. It should not close when one value is

How to initialize a listbox to a desired starting point in the list?

I created a macro for Excel which opens a list of all visible sheets in a workbook and goes to the desired sheet as you scroll through the list. The idea is to

Python Tkinter: Insert objects into listbox, and then get them out (not as string)

I have a listbox that displays some objects: # extra is some array of 'extra' objects I get from a database self.extrasList = Listbox(self, selectmode='multipl

selected value from the listbox in php

I want the value which I select from the listbox and want to store in php variable because I want to use that variable for further use. Please help.. <form

show/ hide items in the listbox

I make a listbox and it works perfectly, I also made a search function, but I want to hide the items in the listbox and show them only when searched through ind

How to support ListBox SelectedItems binding with MVVM in a navigable application

I am making a WPF application that is navigable via custom "Next" and "Back" buttons and commands (i.e. not using a NavigationWindow). On one screen, I have a L