Category "liveserver"

Script from “” was blocked because of a disallowed MIME type (“image/png”)

Apologies if this is a repetitive question however I have looked all over and found no suitable solution for my particular issue. I am attempting to build a sim

How do I use live server?

I cannot run my code in visual studio using liveserver anymore because it automaticaly offers me to run with launch.json! I don't see "run with liveserver" opti

Live reload is not possible without a body or a head tag

My program is to store the number of entries through the entry button and save it through the save button... So, I added a JS link in my HTML body tag and then

LiveServer showing blank white screen

I have a very basic React site that I’m building. I'm using VS Code. When I run npm run start in the terminal, the site opens up properly and I can see th

Why is my Visual Studio Code Live Server jumping to specific parts of the page on save?

OK, so this drives me nuts: When I'm using Live Server, it starts jumping up, or to specific parts of the page, when I (or the 'auto save') save my CSS or SCSS