Category "local-storage"

React.js: How to get and show current user when logged in?

In my React app I am working in user login. My goal is to show current user's username when the user is logged in. I'm fetching the user data in redux actions a

React.js: How to get and show current user when logged in?

In my React app I am working in user login. My goal is to show current user's username when the user is logged in. I'm fetching the user data in redux actions a

Why React state in localStorage is being deleted

I'm having problems to persist the state in the local storage. It's a simple todo app. After adding one todo and refreshing it, all todos are being deleted. Cou

How to remove an item from Local Storage when clicking on it? [duplicate]

I want to delete an item stored in Local Storage when it is clicked. But I don't know how to do that. Please help me to solve this problem. Th

How to fix 'The previous state received by the reducer...'?

I load/update data in localStorage: import thunk from "redux-thunk"; import {applyMiddleware, createStore} from "redux"; import {composeWithDevTools} from "redu

How to use an absolute path for a local video on the device when using react-native-video?

I'm developing an App that should automatically play a video stored on a specific path of the device (currently, i'm trying to access the DCIM folder) without

How worried should I be about opening up a JWT to an XSS vulnerability?

I am building a node.js web application with react for the the GUI and graphQL served with Apollo for the back-end connecting to a RDS (MySQL) instance on AWS.

how to change folder location to save file - DJANGO FileSystemStorage

so i want when i upload a file, the file will go to media/mp3 not media/txt. how to change save file location? def homepage(request): if request.m

how to make custom form without database - DJANGO

So i want to upload file but only sent to locals storage NOT DATABASE too. But i don't know how to make custom forms. suddenly, here's my : from djang

Removing nickname from localStorage string

I'm trying to check localStorage for a nickname and if it includes the nickname remove it from the localStorage. window.removeNickname = (n) => { const n

Why is localStorage getting cleared whenever I refresh the page?

Like the title says, the localStorage I set registers the changes made to the todoList array and JSON.stringifys it; however, whenever I refresh the page the ar

Cypress: I want run tests in 100 spec files by login one time and persist login for every file. Is it possible?

I have almost 100 specs files including multiple tests. I want run all these specs files by login one time. I dont want my cypress should login process every ti

Can save "advanced" objects like Date or Map?

I made a chrome extension that manages internet history, browser cookies, etc. I'm trying to make a notification if you don't run it for a week, so I used chrom

Use imports with string that comes from localStorage

I need to show/hide different menu based on rights that are send from database and saved in localStorage. Here is the imported menus import tripOrders from './t

Flutter Hive save custom object with list of custom objects gone after restarting app

I am using the Hive- Package in my project to store some data locally. That has been working fine so far, but now I am facing an issue: I have a Custom-Class wh

How to access tokens stored in local storage?

Suppose a user logs into my web app and my web app produces a access token and stores it in local storage in client side. But when user enters into other webpag

React Native: How to remove token with AsyncStorage with JWT ?

I am currently storing my React Native token like so using var jwt = require('jsonwebtoken');: AsyncStorage.setItem('token', response.token) And I'm not sur

Specify default value for HTML5 Local Storage item?

In the case that you are trying to get a local storage item that doesn't exist, is it possible to set a default value for that item? For example, let's say tha

How to increase local storage space to unlimited for a firefox add-ons?

I am creating a Firefox add-on to store data in the local-storage. But it is limited to 5MB. I want it to be unlimited. Is there any way to make the local-stora

Clearing localStorage in javascript?

Is there any way to reset/clear browser's localStorage in javascript?