Category "loops"

My for loop breaks and repeats the output over and over, also I cannot use Dictionaries in this

My code is a WW2 fact machine and for example if you input "1939" the code should print "start of war". If you input a keyword like "Dunkirk" it should work the

How can I loop one frame with ffmpeg? All the other frames should point to the first with no changes, maybe like a recusion

I want to make a long video from a single image in ffmpeg. I need it to be fastly encodeable and at the end the video should have a small file size. Is it pos

Error when renaming columns with plyr in a loop in R

I found similar error but it seems the problem is not the same. for (i in colnames(t[,4:ncol(t)])) { for (j in poids_teff$station) { if (i == j) { t

For Each Loop stops after deleting one row

I am trying to use an if else statement to delete the entire row when a text value is found in a cell within a given range. The code stops after deleting one ro

Iterate through a list of servers in SQL Server

I have a script similar to below and get: Could not find server '@CURSERVER' in sys.servers. Verify that the correct server name was specified. If necessary, e

how to get value of current row in Crystal Reports formula?

I have a formula in Crystal Reports that needs to sum only a certain number of values, but can't seem to figure out how to get the current value of a field for

Creating a palindrome checker with Python's loop and if statements

I am trying to follow the instructions to create a palindrome. I am given half a function, and I have to fill in the blanks. I am currently unable to get the lo

How do to speed up ordinary dataframe loop in python? vectorisation? multiprocess?

I have a simple piece of code. Essentially, I want to speed up my loop that creates a dataframe using dataframes. I haven't found an example and would appreciat

How to read multiple files with specific character or number using a loop in R

I have a directory with a bunch of .tif files like: tnt_xxx_2015.tif, tnt_xxx_2016.tif, tnt_xxx_2017.tif......tnt_xxx_2100.tif. 'tnt' is one of the variable nam

loop that turns on for 1 hour at dusk each day for a year

I've been asked to help an art project that will be collecting the sunlight at dusk for 1 hour each day for a whole year. This is not about efficiency, this is

How to append row from itertuples to dataframe withouth losing the index in Python?

I have the following problem: I have a DataFrame df which looks like this: eqpid recpid queuetime trackintime trackouttime 3723

How to vectorize such an algorithm in python?

I have four (nx1) dimensional arrays named a, b, c, and F. I want to run this algorithm without any loops. for i in range(n): if a[i] < b[i]: F[i

How do I take the repeated values in an array and print out the number of duplicates using a for loop ?(Java)

I have written the following program which takes the duplicates in the doubleArray and adds them to a counter. Then I wrote a for loop to print out the values i

Performance issues when iterating numpy array

I have a 3D array of image such as [ [ [225, 0, 0], [225, 225, 0], ... ], [ [225, 0, 0], [225, 225, 0],

Infinite loop ik Keycloack page

Good afternoon all, I am running keycloack in docker for my application. In this application, when I try to go to the authentication page I am getting an infini

How to rename iterably object properties

Every Object properties have underscored the first letter; I wanna delete this first substring, and try the string method "replace" to all object properties, bu

Pass parameter from list in file

i'm struggling with this topic: I've a file with a list of IDs, something like this: 34 23 478 12579 342356 On the other side, i've a command that i want to ru

List of data to copy into another sheet and generate PDF

I have a list where I have to copy date in each row in another worksheet and Save it as PDF Data is in each row in "Instruction" tab, that need to be copied in

Count Occurrences of Seven Integers in Array

I have written the code below and it has comments attached. The application is to read seven integers entered by the user. The application then prints out the n

shell scripting nested loops. How to run inner loop along with the parent loop [duplicate]

I have two log files with the application names and the failed reasons , first.log Application 01 Application 02 Application 03 Applicatio