Category "lucene"

Elasticsearch - Match all arraylist field

I have few documents with array "items" , i want to only pick those documents where "" is equal to "red". If there is any document with one red and an

how to use bm25 in spark

I have more than 1 million documents to search, and more than 100,000 keywords. Each keyword needs to search 10 most similar documents in the offline way. So ho

Use SortedSetDocValuesField to sort multiple fields - Error: unexpected docvalues type SORTED_SET for field

I am just implementing a search with Lucene 5.5.0 for a JSF web application. In the application, several user can edit documents and very simple (only date and

Error while executing data provider - Pimcore DynamicSearch

I have migrated to Pimcore X incl. DynamicSearch, DS Lucene and Trinity (~2.0.0) bundles. If we run the command "bin/console dynamic-search:run -v" which should

package does not exist error

I am compiling a .java file using ant compiler. I am getting the following errror "package does not exist error" I downloaded the apache

An SPI class of type org.apache.lucene.codecs.Codec with name 'Lucene54' does not exist

With lucene-core-5.5.2 i am facing problem a in weblogic server. standalone search application works but when i deploy as WEB APP it is failing with below error