Category "machine-learning"

How is profit calculated in gym environment?

So I'm using the gym stocks environment to train a model using A2C policy but I want to understand how the profit is calculated by the model, in the documentati

ValueError: A given column is not a column of the dataframe in pipeline and columntransformer

I am working on the toy dataset with ColumnTransformer and pipeline but I came across the error which I couldn't find a solution on the internet. toy = pd.read_

NLTK agreement with distance metric

I have a task to calculate inter-annotator agreement in multi-label classification, where for each example more than one label can be assigned. I found that NLT

Is the Matlab Cascade Object Detector (using LBP) Invariant to In-Plane Rotation?

I have read that LBP can be used for rotation invariant feature detection, such as here. This makes intuitive sense to me, as LBP is effectively evaluating loca

How to specify the correlation coefficient as the loss function in keras

I am using keras+tensorflow for the first time. I would like to specify the correlation coefficient as the loss function. It makes sense to square it so that it

Image processing in Tensor flow TFX pipelines

I am trying to get a Tensorflow TFX pipeline up and running using the MNIST dataset. # Imports import pandas as pd import numpy as np from keras.datasets import

When I use Pycaret predict_model(dt,data=data_unseen) to analyze only one row appears

I use Python pycaret module to analyze big set of data. I did setup, compare_model, create_model correctly, but when I try to use model I created to predict the

SHAP function throws exception in plotting method The sample zipped folder contains: model.pkl x_test.csv To reproduce the problems, do the following steps: use lin2 =joblib.load('model.pkl') to loa

SHAP function throws exception in plotting method The sample zipped folder contains: model.pkl x_test.csv To reproduce the problems, do the following steps: use lin2 =joblib.load('model.pkl') to loa

How to convert bounding box (x1, y1, x2, y2) to YOLO Style (X, Y, W, H)

I'm training a YOLO model, I have the bounding boxes in this format:- x1, y1, x2, y2 => ex (100, 100, 200, 200) I need to convert it to YOLO format to be so

Why does this decision tree's values at each step not sum to the number of samples?

I'm reading about decision trees and bagging classifiers, and I'm trying to show the first decision tree that is used in the bagging classifier. I'm confused a

Using Local Binary Patterns with a Circular Mask

In order to extract texture-based features; LBPs (Local Binary Patterns) are used in many background-foreground detection algorithms. It is easy to understand w

Scalable/Iterative Large Data Frame Dimensionality Reduction R

I often have truly large data frames (ie 10 to 40 columns, millions to hundreds of millions of rows) that I would like to perform dimensionality reduction on in

module 'keras.engine' has no attribute 'Layer'

----> 6 from mrcnn.model import MaskRCNN /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/mrcnn/ in () 253 254 --> 255 class ProposalLayer(KE.Layer): 256

feature importance in mlr3 with iml for classification forests

I calculate feature importance for 2 different types of machine learning models (SVM and Classification Forest). I cannot post the data here, but I describe wha

Create Bayesian Network and learn parameters with Python3.x [closed]

I'm searching for the most appropriate tool for python3.x on Windows to create a Bayesian Network, learn its parameters from data and perform

Number of Support vectors in SVM

How do I print the number of support vectors for a particular SVM model? Please suggest a code snippet in Python. from sklearn.multiclass import OneVsRestClassi

Shape of ROC curve

I did a prediction analysis on a dataset and drew the ROC curve. The ROC curve looks like below, Im not very much sure about the shape of the curve. Doesn't

Classification metrics can't handle a mix of binary and continuous targets [duplicate]

I try to train and test several scikit-learn models and attempt to print off the accuracy. Only some of these models work, others fail with th

CatBoost precision imbalanced classes

I use a CatBoostClassifier and my classes are highly imbalanced. I applied a scale_pos_weight parameter to account for that. While training with an evaluation d