Category "mapkit"

SwiftUI - MapAnnotation is showing up in wrong position

I am trying to display multiple map annotations to Apple Maps In SwiftUI, but the annotations are showing in some wrong perspective. All positions are displayed

Session sharing is not enabled | Swift

I am currently trying to show Routes in my app, but I get [UserSession] maps short session requested but session sharing is not enabled in the console. I separa

MKMapView ignoring Safe Area on iOS 11 and iPhone X

I'm trying to migrate a app to iOS 11 and for days I'm stuck with one ugly UI bug after the other. This time: MKMapView. I have a bunch of buttons which I pinne

MapAnnotation, how can we decide the zIndex of an Annotation?

when using the MapKit.Map to display multiple Annotation overlapping, everything works properly whether you use MapPin, MapMarker or MapAnnotation. The tricky p

Is it possible to create IndoorMaps like airports from Apple with IMDF?

Im quite confused about creating an IndoorMap for our company to display it on iPad's. Regarding to the new IndoorMaps-Program from Apple I thought I found the

Compiler error: Invalid library file - CoreLocation

I have one of my application, that is created in Xcode 8. I have used CoreLocation and MapKit in that app. I have update app with latest iOS till now. and it w