Category "mapstruct"

No property named "Id" exists in source parameter(s). Did you mean "null"?

I'm kind of stuck in below error Post.class @Data @Getter @Setter @Entity @Table(name = "posts", uniqueConstraints = { @UniqueConstraint(columnNames = { "title"

mapper does not convert between dto to entity

I am new to mapsturct I just want to map between dto to entity those two; my bank class; @Id private int id; my bank dto class; private Integer bankId; my m

Mapstruct - How to convert a DTO String parameter to an Entity object?

I'm new to Mapstruct and I'm trying to understand it properly. What I want to achieve is converting from a DTO String parameter (carModel) to his Entity, retrie

Mapstruct: Check for null for source before mapping to target

Mapstruct: Check for null for source before mapping to target. Require to throw a custom exception from mapstruct interface if the source is null.

Accessing application property in Spring boot application from MapStruct mapper

I want to access basic-info.expiration from application.yml a Spring boot application. application.yml basic-info: expiration: 6 @Mapper(comp

Mapstruct with JAXB, @XmlElementRefs

I spent really a lot of time on this, but I can not find the answer. From documentation it seams it should work automatically, but for me it does not. I am faci

MapStruct with groovy classes

I want to use the Mapstruct mapper on groovy classes with gradle. The configuration in the build.gradle looks like in a Java project. dependencies { ...

MapStruct not autowiring with Kotlin and Spring Boot, built using Gradle

I have the following parts in my gradle file: apply plugin: 'kotlin-kapt' ... compile("org.mapstruct:mapstruct:1.3.0.Final") kapt("org.mapstruct:mapstr

MapStruct - Map Generic List to Non-Generic List containing different types

I am attempting to use MapStruct to convert between 2 internal models. These models are generated from the same specification and represent a large tree-like st

No implementation was created for Mapper due to having a problem in the erroneous element

I'm trying to use Mapstruct to map my classes in a spring boot project. My dependencies : <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <project xmlns="ht

Mapping Hierarchy of Classes with Mapstruct

I have a hierarchy of classes: VehicleDTO is a base abstract class. CarDTO, TruckDTO, VanDTO extend from it. I have the same hierarchy on the other side of a ma

MapStruct - Cannot find implementation

Using latest Springboot and MapStruct versions and building with Maven, I am trying to implement the "Start Here" example given in the official MapStruct site

MapStruct implementation is not working in Spring Boot Web Application

I am a newbie to Spring Boot and MapStruct Tool. Earlier, A Project(written by other team using these technologies) is not starting up. Then, I had made some