Category "mariadb"

Order of CAST() and COALESCE() matters in MariaDB

I have a strange problem: There is a price in a JSON column in a table and the following statements give different results while they should give the same thing

Yii1 DB transaction timeout is ignored when selecting for update and the row is locked longer than the timeout

When the DB transaction is timeouted the transaction is still active and seems to only finish executing after PHP transaction timeout If I lock the table outsid

Error when trying to open chamilo using LEMP on Centos7

I have been trying to set up Chamilo using LEMP stack (Linux, Nginx, MariaDB, PHP 7) on CentOS 7 using this link

Error when I adding FULLTEXT INDEX "SQL Error (1062): Duplicate entry '' for key '*UNKNOWN*'"

I have specific error when I'd like to add FULLTEXT INDEX to column street. My code is below. ALTER TABLE offer_private_14 ADD FULLTEXT INDEX idx_street (street

Error while reading date and datetime column from mariadb via spark

I am reading the mariadb table from spark which has date and datetime fields. Spark is throwing error while reading. Below is the schema of mariadb table: Spar

SELECT * FROM `Languages` WHERE `Google` IS NOT NULL; returns NULL values?

In my mariadb database this query: SELECT * FROM `Languages` WHERE `Google` IS NOT NULL; Returns rows where column "Google" is NULL, which it shouldn´t. A

MariaDB docker not starting due to Innodb error

I have a local docker environment (MAC) for my Laravel set-up. The mariadb container in docker-compose.yml is defined as image: mariadb:10.6 container_n

PhpMyAdmin v5.1.3 Export Suddenly Stop Working Chrome Failed - Network Error

Have anyone experienced an issue with phpmyadmin suddenly stop exporting? I am running MariaDB 10.3.28, nginx, Php 8.0.17 on Rocky Linux. I don't know if the re

Why is restore to a mariadb instance with log-bin enabled not working to database not in binlog_do_db and UNIQUE_CHECKS=0?

There is a mariadb version 10.7 instance running in Kubernetes. Recently log-bin was added to the server.cnf. The restore scripts stopped working for any databa

SQLAlchemy: JOIN between different databases AND using different files in a module

Stack I am using: Python 3.10.x FastAPI 0.75.x SQLAlchemy 1.4.3x Summary I am building a unifying FastAPI project for several legacy databases (stored back-end

phpmyadmin : Depends: php-twig (>= 2.9) but 2.6.2-2 is to be installed. WHAT?

I need help figuring out what's wrong. I want to install phpmyadmin on a server to import a wordpress DB but when I install it I have a problem with php-twig I

How to index a text field or make it searchable in MySQL?

I have stored about 7 million biological protein sequences in text field of MySQL table (using InnoDB storage engine and latin1_swedish_ci collation). Sequence

SQL - Generate column from sum of columns from different table

I have two tables: The first one contains numeral values, it looks like this: The id column is the primary key; it has the attribute AUTO_INCREMENT. All col

#1558 - Column count of mysql.proc is wrong. Expected 21, found 20. Please use mysql_upgrade to fix this error

I got this message when I try to run query on XAMPP in macOS #1558 - Column count of mysql.proc is wrong. Expected 21, found 20. Created with MariaDB 100108, n

MariaDB: Error Code: 1005. Can't create table Foreign key constraint is incorrectly formed"

I want to create UserRole table, but mariaDB complains with the following error: Error Code: 1005. Can't create table `testdb`.`userrole` (errno: 150 "Foreign k

Cant connect Java to MariaDB

I cant connect java to MariaDB .I saw all similar questions answers but none has solved my problem. Here is my code : /** To change this license header, choose

MariaDB: Unknown data type "MYSQL_JSON"

According to MariaDB's website, you can simply replace MySQL with MariaDB. Great, I thought, however after installing MariaDB (10.5.7), some of my InnoDB tables

MariaDB. Create a trigger that deletes rows from a table older than 15 days

I want to create a database trigger that deletes automatically rows where the value of happened_at field is older than 15 days. My table rows id int(11) site_id

Mariadb can't be installed on Debian Buster, : post-installation script subprocess returned error exit status 134

I am trying to install Mariadb on Debian but I am getting the error below when I try to install it. Mariadb was actually working for me for a while. I just tr

Error "Failed to start mariadb.service: Unit mariadb.service not found"

I'm using Fedora 29. I'm try to run mariadb.service with command:systemctl start mariadb, and give error:Failed to start mariadb.service: Unit mariadb.service n