Category "mask"

Mask a part of the face using MediaPipe - python

I want to mask the cheek, but this mask should have curved edges and not be sharp. I drew the mask using the landmark keys: right_cheek = [330, 350, 411, 376, 3

Access pixel value of mask using opencv

I got a problem where I need to access pixels of a opencv Mat image container. I use opencv inRange function to create a mask. In that mask I need to check the

inner holes in segmentation polygons -coco dataset

So to explain the problem I have a dataset with the coco format I want to reconstruct the binary mask from the segmentation information stored in the annotation

dice coefficient and dice loss very low in UNET segmentation

I'm doing binary segmentation using UNET. My dataset is composed of images and masks. I divided the images and masks into different folders ( train_images, trai

SwiftUI Mask a rectangle inside a rounded rectangle

Hello there. I am wondering, in SwiftUI, how do you mask the contents of a rounded rectangle so that a child rectangle clips the corners. In my example I ha

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'samples.coco'

Could someone help me with the error that is giving in the file within a Mask R-CNN project: Someone with experience in instance segmentation, cou

Set backend title for Mask-Elements in Typo3

I have a Typo3 server. On that I created some different content elements with mask. In this elements there are often repeating content, like texts or other stuf

Optional decimal with jQuery-Mask-Plugin

I am trying to implement a mask using jQuery-Mask-Plugin From the doc this will allow

OpenCV - Apply mask to a color image

How can I apply mask to a color image in latest python binding (cv2)? In previous python binding the simplest way was to use cv.Copy e.g. cv.Copy(dst, src, mas