Category "masm"

masm directive option prologue:none has no effect

I'm learning how to use masm using MS's official docs, but there's almost nothing written on the option directive (

How I can include .asm file properly?

When studying assembler at the university, I encountered the following problem: I have 3 files (all of them oversimplified, they were much bigger): main.asm .58

Not adding the stack bytes to the .EXE file with MASM 5.0

I'm writing two assembly files for DOS: hm2.asm: .8086 DGROUP group _DATA, STACK ; Required by MASM 3.0 and 4.0. ; MASM 4.0 doesn't support USE16 (but MASM

MASM SHA256 running from C#

I received a task in college to compare execution time for calculating SHA256 in C# and assembly. It is supposed to be a simple WPF app with file input and 2 bu

How to create a text file that uses user input from Irvine library to write onto it

How do I create a text file that updates values inputted to by the user using Irvine's library? for example for my data I have: .data frstValue BYTE "Enter f

Integrating x86 assembly in C++ project for old MS-DOS system information program

I'm new to C++ programming and have always wanted to write a system information program for MS-DOS. I'm currently using the latest DigiMars C++ compiler and MA